President Bio and his cabinets ministers

By Thomas Dixon

As supporters of the government are claiming that inflation has gone down, the Global Economic Freedom Index for 2024 ranked Sierra Leone at the bottom of the worse of economies in the world.

Amongst the 176 countries rated in the world Sierra Leone is ranked 163 and 41 out of 47 African Countries in the region.

 In the Manor River Basin Sierra Leone ranked last with Liberia at 35, Guinea at 22 and Ivory Coast IS ranked 7

Sierra Leone economic freedom according to the index is being described as repressed with terrible scores on indicators like poverty rights, government integrity and fiscal health.

With a terrible score on government integrity further dented the government record on Corruption

Ruling Party Propagandists recently posted that the inflation has gone down in Sierra and the exchange rate is relatively stable but economic analysts stated that Sierra Leone is still in an economic uncertainty.

By 232News

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