Fundamental Teachings of the Christian Faith
Fundamental Teachings of the Christian Faith

November 16, 2020 (232News)

By Minister Marcus Degaulah Williams (Leader and founder of the Ministry)

Except otherwise noted, all scripture is from the King James Version of the Bible.


There are two (2) states that exist when a man stands before God; The state of sinfulness and the state of righteousness with God. The state of sinfulness is a state of being guilty before God with blemish and fault. The state of righteousness is the state of being innocent before God, faultless, without blemish, and sinless before God. The state a man is in is as a result of the nature he has. When man stands before God, there is no grey area. It is either He is in a state of sinfulness or a state of righteousness.

A man’s state when standing before God is very important. The nature of man is even more important as it determines the state a man would be in any time He stands before God. The word nature means the innate characteristics of a thing. Innate means Inborn and Inborn is something you inherit from someone. Hence both the nature of righteousness and the nature of sin are inherited. Let’s take a stroll into scriptures! Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. This scripture places man originally as having the nature of righteousness as man was created in the image and likeness of God. Man had the nature of God.

After the fall of man, the nature of man changed because man sinned and became corrupted in nature. Man was no longer in the state of righteousness but in the state of sinfulness. That state caused man to hide himself from God (The state of sinfulness always keeps man away from the presence of God). Genesis 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. I said earlier that nature is inherited, so because one man sinned, his whole offspring inherited the nature of sin. Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Hence every man that is born now has the nature of sin.

You should know though that it’s never God’s plan for man to carry the nature of sin, so He had to make it right and in the right way. There became an urgent need for man’s nature to change from sin to righteousness. Hence the plan of redemption was set in motion. The plan of redemption is an act of righteousness by God whereby he could now declare man righteous in His sight. Jesus came to declare man righteous, to justify man of his sin and present him faultless and sinless in the sight of God. God did all this legally. Man sinned, and so man was expected to redeem man but how could this happen when the whole offspring of man had the nature of sin. So because of this, the son of God became the son of man; God came down as man.

Man had to be justified legally. Christ who didn’t have the nature of sin as he wasn’t born of the seed of sinful man, was made a ransom and paid the price with His blood. This is redemption! Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. The Greek word for redemption is APOLUTRŌSIS which means RANSOM PAID IN FULL. Christ paid the price of your sin in full with no outstanding balance. Jesus came down, became man, died, was buried and resurrected so that anyone that believes in him and the finished work will receive a change of nature.

Remember however nature comes by inheritance. So how is this inherited? A man that believes in Jesus Christ is born of the Spirit, and this is by adoption. Ephesians 1:5 says “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will”. We become children of God at salvation. Since we are children of God, we have now inherited the nature of God which is the nature of the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. GLORY!!!

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Min. Marcus Degaulah Williams is the General Overseer for Ministry of Reconciliation- Sierra Leone.


The Ministry of Reconciliation was established by Minister Marcus Degaulah Williams in 2016 after a revelation from the Holy Spirit.

The Ministry is an Interdenominational Christian Youth Ministry, which embraces everyone, all religion and to all doctrines.

The Ministry is focused on the reconciliation of young men and women in high schools, universities and beyond, as we believe in catching them young for Christ Raising of leaders in our generation and equipping them with enough of the WORD of God, there by encouraging them to replicate the same in the lives of other young people.

VISION: To reconcile men [young men and women] unto God and to make them disciples of Jesus Christ [2 Cor 5:18; Matt 28:19-20].

MISSION: To introduce Jesus Christ in the hearts of every man.


The ministry is divided into four sub ministries, to which every leader/member should belong The Sub groups are:

Empowerment Group

Success Group

Dominion Group

Favour Group

These sub ministries are structured to perform different tasks within the organization.

Tasks ranging from discipleship, following up members, school outreaches, Saturday fellowships to training Members to become leaders. In addition, to the four Sub Ministries there are other very important departments; The Media Team, The Literature Department, The Ladies’ Ministry, The MOR Choir-alias MOR Voices & The MOR Drama Team which are geared to train members in additional stills


The Ministry undertakes different activities in order to achieve the Ministry’s vision.

The Activities include

❖ Saturday Fellowship

❖ School Outreaches

❖ Discipleship and Mentorship

❖ Community Bible Studies,

❖ Leadership Conferences,

❖ Church Outreaches

❖ Love Express

© Ministry of Reconciliation – Sierra Leone Please Feel free to contact the ministry on the following contact details Telephone and WhatsApp Contact: +23276931955 Facebook Ministry of Reconciliation-MOR Email:

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