Speaker of Sierra Leone Parliament
Speaker to Parliament

November 16, 2020 (232News)

FREETOWN –Members of Parliament on Tuesday November 10th 2020 gave the Attorney General and Minister of Justice Anthony Brewah two weeks ultimatum to bring the previous Corona Virus Disease Emergency Regulations to Parliament before Parliament pass the new regulations into law.

Opposition Leader of Parliament Hon Chernor Bah said that the Attorney General and Minister of Justice are constrained because of his predecessor Dr. Priscilla Schwartz who deliberately refused to bring the regulations to Parliament.

That with all the advised she (Former AG) received from parliament and outside, she decided to do otherwise but now the minister is bringing four regulations to the House of Parliament but Parliament did not lay hands on the previous ones.

That among the four documents in parliament -instruments 26, 27, 28 and 29 two of them-26 and 27 cannot be before the House of Parliament because the regulations are overdue.

That if they look into them, they will flout section 23(7) of the Constitution.

According to the Opposition Leader, penalties cannot be made but to be retroactive but the other two instruments 28 and 29 are fine documents but there are many provisions in there that contravene some financial provisions that they have in the country.

That he would not blame the Attorney General and Minister of Justice but if his predecessor should have done her work well, probably they would not encounter this problem.

He went on to say that definitely the regulations should go back and be properly prepared before they should bring them to the house of parliament.

Hon Dr. Kandeh Yumkella said that the regulations are over 250 days but it is supposed to be 90 days without any regulations.

Hon Mathew Nyuma said the Attorney General is in Parliament and that he should respond to the concerns.

Attorney General Brewah begged for more time to respond to the issues raised. The Speaker of Parliament Dr. Abass Bundu gave him two weeks ultimatum to respond.

By 232News

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