John Kiester (Head coach)
John Kiester (Head coach)

December 31, 2020 (232News)

FREETOWN – Sierra Leone Cricket Association on the 19th December held their Annual General Meeting at the St. Edwards Pre-School hall, Kingtom in Freetown.

In the meeting, the members discussed the adoption of Anti-Harassment and Ethic Code into their constitution. After the discussions, the members unanimously agreed to adopt the two articles into their constitution.

They later again unanimously agreed to adopt new clubs that has applied to be members of the association. The two adoptions were followed by the report on the association by the Board Chairman Beresford Bournes-Coker.

The Chief Executive Officer Francis Samura gave report on the activities of the association followed by plans of upcoming international competitions and the local leagues.

In the absence of the auditors, the Board Chairman did the presentation of the Audited Financial Report.

The CEO informed the members that the audited document was not available now and promised to post it to the members through their email address.

Majority of them base on the confidence they have in the Board and executive agreed to adopt the audited document while few objected until they view it.

But at the end, the report was adopted as majority carries the vote. The board Chairman advised the members to learn not to wash their deity linings in the public. In this case, he said in case they find anything wrong in the report let them face the executive or the Board members with it instead of posting it in the social media.

This, he said will destroy the good image of the association and it will put fear into business houses that may like to sponsor their activities. The meeting started peacefully and ended peacefully. The association will go into elections next year to elect new executive and Board members to run the association.  

By 232News

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