By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, July 22 (232News) – Seawright Mining Company handed over three brand new Toyota Land Cruiser vehicles to the National Minerals Agency (NMA) as part of its corporate social responsibility. The event, which was held at the NMA Head Office at New England Ville on Thursday 15th July 2021, was graced by NMA Management, Staff, and Seawright Mining Company representatives.

Staff of NMA and Seawright Mining Company after the presentation

It could be recalled in November last year; NMA wrote letters of assistance to some key mining companies to provide support with vehicles and other logistics under the corporate social responsibilities. Seawright Mining Company has responded with the provision of the three vehicles to enhance the smooth operations of the NMA, especially in carrying out effective and efficient mining operations across the country. 

Seawright’s Acting Chief Operations Officer, Sydney Tabahia said the company appreciates the work of the NMA, as it plays a critical role in ensuring compliance in the mining sector, bringing sanity to the sector, and creating a level playing field.

“I hope the vehicles will improve NMA’s mobility carriage to cover the whole country,” he said and added that the vehicles are in good order can reach hard-to-reach terrains. The Acting COO assured of his company’s continuous support towards the development of Sierra Leone. 

Seawright’s Acting Chief Operations Officer, Sydney Tabahia presenting documents to NMA’s Director-General, Julius D. Mattai

NMA’s Director-General, Julius D. Mattai appreciated the donation from the mining company, for which he had it comes at a time when the Government Agency is challenged with the required logistics to equip over 200 Mines Monitors across the country. The government’s subvention he said is not enough to buy the required equipment for effective field monitoring. “At some point, we had to hire vehicles to do our fieldwork, which is very expensive,” Mattai said and furthered that they thought it wise to contact mining companies after an agreement with the board and after all due processes were followed as a government institution.

“The donation does not mean we are going to compromise our regulatory authority. I implore Seawright Mining Company to continue to do the right thing during your exploration phase and please continue to support the development of the country through your corporate social responsibility in the various communities of your operations,” the NMA DG said.

He assured that measures will be taken to monitor the effective use of the vehicles as they are not state properties. Mattai called on other mining companies to follow the good initiative of Seawright Mining Company not only to the regulator but to the government and communities.

By 232News

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