
By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, July 29 (SALONE TIMES) – Sierra Leone like most countries in Africa is presently seeing a surge in the misuse of drugs by its youths and at the same time sickened at how drug abuse is killing its young people.

A good number of the drugs that make their way into Sierra Leone are from foreign countries and we witness on a daily basis the devastating effect they are having on the young people.

SALONE TIMES investigation revealed that the inflow of the recent killer drug into the country called ‘Kush’ is coordinated and operated by a cartel consisting various players including custom officers, police officers and some prominent Indian importers in the country.

SALONE TIMES investigation revealed that some of the Indians merchants importing provision into the country are the ones importing “Kush” into the country and they are making billions while at the same time destroying our youths.

“We are agents! We work on percentage and after we sell the Kush we return the money to the people who own the business. But kush is not planted here in Sierra Leone,” an agent of the Kush who preferred to be anonymous said.

They are imported from India by the Indian businessmen, the agent continued, noting that there are some senior police and custom officers in the cartel.

“The effect of the drugs is devastating. I almost lost my life to Kush but thank God. I would not advise anybody to take that drug or any other drug,” Ibrahim Kargbo a former drug addict told SALONE TIMES.

More Details on the importers and their cohorts in subsequent editions

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