Champions of girls’ and women’s rights in Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, Agu 6 (232News) – Champions of girls’ and women’s rights in Sierra Leone has urged the Government of Sierra Leone to tackle sexual abuse and violence.

The called was made during a joint press conference organized by Defence for Children- Sierra Leone, Child Rights Coalition, Child Welfare Society-Sierra Leone and Women Against Violence in Society (WAVES) at the Child Welfare Society Fort Street. 

Girls Connekt Africa, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Habiba Coker said “We feel that time has come for the government of Sierra Leone to prioritize realization of the rights of adolescent girls moving from rhetoric toaction.”

Young Women’s Advocacy Network Public Relation Officer, 

MellicentiaBoateng pointed out that they are glad to know that on Wednesday May 12, 2021, Sierra Leone’shuman rights record came up for review during the Universal Periodic Review.

 The Minister ofJustice reported that the government has implemented 92 percent of previousrecommendations, though in their opinion, more remains to be done as they have just madesome progress in those areas.

“We, do however, applaud the countries that have made newrecommendations that echoed the voice of girls, boys and adult CSOs.”

As women’s rights defenders and champions, she went on, they urged the government to take the followingsteps to ensure that the rights of girls and women are upheld.

“On sexual abuse and violence, we call on the government to:

i. Address underlying drivers including gender discrimination at national andcommunity level;

ii. Replicate the Sexual Violence Model Court at district level;

iii. Recruit more State Counsels and High Court Judges and deploy them across alldistricts to facilitate speedy prosecution;

iv. Speedily establish a forensic lab;

v. Strengthen the capacity of the Family Support Unit (FSU) with more logistics, trainingof personnel and separate budget allocation;

vi. Strengthen child safeguarding measures in schools;

vii. Recruit more social workers and deploy them at chiefdom level to be facilitatingprevention initiatives;

viii. Ensure adequate protection of victims during investigations; and

ix. Put measures in place to investigate and prosecute online sexual violence Includingcyber bully particularly of adolescent girls

On access to education for pregnant girls, we call on the government to:

i. Promote safe school environments free from GBV;

ii. Broaden school health programmes and comprehensive sexuality education incurricula;

iii. Adapt school infrastructure to be suitable for all girls including teenage mothers; and

iv. Put case management and referral systems in place at schools for pregnant girls andother children with vulnerabilities.

We look forward to a Sierra Leone that is just and safe for all women and girls.”

By 232News

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