Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly and the MPs


FREETOWN, Sep. 6 (232News) – The President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL) has engaged Christian Members of Parliament (MPs) from different political parties on the activities of PFSL.

In a meeting held at his Faith Cathedral office, Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly made it known to the MPs that they all are called to serve the nation though in different capacities. Bishop Akintayo noted that in Christ Jesus, there is no tribal or regional representation. “There is no other commonality greater than being in the Lord JESUS. What is contained in the word of God transcends all.”

The PFSL President put it to the MPs that they are ‘in the Kingdom for such a time like this.’  He nudged them with the fact that  there is no earthly guarantee that they would be in parliament forever so they should learn from the biblical example of the sons of Issachar whom the bible said had an understanding of the times. As a result, they “knew what Israel ought to do.” This example points to the importance of the parliamentarians knowing their responsibilities and doing what ought to be done. He told them in no uncertain terms that they must deliver according to the needs of the Kingdom. The three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to the King of Babylon, the PFSL President noted, adding that the MPs must be resilient and not give in to pressures to yield to anything that goes against the Kingdom of God. He cautioned that as they provide their service to the nation, they must be aware that they need spiritual backing. He assured them that PFSL is praying for the nation and they too must ensure that they share with PFSL issues that the Body of Christ needs to pray about.

He appealed to them to embrace accountability. “As you represent your various constituencies, ensure that you live a life that will not put your people to shame.”

Prayer session for the President of Sierra Leone, the Land, MPs

The PFSL has been engaging Ministers of God at various quarters lately. The focus is not only to increase membership, but also to create the required spiritual foundation that members of the Body of Christ needs to consolidate the church in Sierra Leone. Under the leadership of Bishop Akintayo, the PFSL has had extensive visibility through the Executive’s initiative to undertake outreaches to Ministers in various regions in the nation. To bring the MPs up to speed with this reality, Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly did a PowerPoint presentation on his seven-point vision for the PFSL over his four-year term as PFSL President. These include: Unity of the Body, Harnessing Collective strength, Growth and Expansion, Collaboration/Communication, Diaspora, Self-Regulation and Visibility & Stability. The Bishop encouraged the MPs to join the PFSL so together they  will run with this vision.  He then displayed newspaper clippings and pictures of some   activities undertaken by the Fellowship.

The MPs were grateful that the PFSL had them in mind. They expressed appreciation to the Bishop and promised to heed his advice. They urged the Bishop to ensure that the PFSL is part of the Devotion sessions in Parliament, noting that they would convey the schedule to him so that he is aware of when to send representatives to Parliament to conduct the Devotion with the MPs.

The meeting ended with a prayer session for the President of Sierra Leone, the Land, Parliament and the MPs.

By 232News

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