Dr. Alfred Seawright, President and Chief Executive Officer of Seawright Mining Company

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Oct. 16 (232News) – Residents of Gbense Chiefdom wasted no time in the midst of government officials and others stakeholders to say yes to Seawright Mining Company in their Chiefdom.

During a public consultation and disclosure workshop on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) held in Boroma Pipe 3 – Gbense Chiefdom and Gbense N.A. Koidu and Yardu Town Barry on the 26 and 27 March 2021 respectively, Seawright Mining Company’s proposed Boroma project in Kono District.

The ESIA was done by Tropical Environmental and Design Associate (TEDA) and its objectives were to identify and assess social and environmental impacts (Adverse and Beneficial), determine how negative impact can be avoided, minimized, mitigated or compensated and positive impacts optimized, ensure stakeholders engaged and understand the implications of the project and promote improved environmental and social understanding with the proposed project team.

Seawright Mining Company is a registered company in Sierra Leone seeking to acquire the Boroma Concession Area in Gbense, Kamara and Tankoro Chiefdom, in the Kono district, eastern region of Sierra Leone.

The Company which intends to develop large scale diamond mining in the Boroma concession area came into existence in 2015 as an exploration company and is presently in Nimiyama Chiefdom.

Seawright Mining Company is 100% owned by Dr. Alfred Seawright, a black American businessman based in the United States of America.

Paramount Chief of Gbense Chiefdom, Hon. PC Kaimachende said they have been struggling for so long but God gave them the spirit of endurance and the Lord Has answered their prayers.

He said with Seawright Mining Company in their midst, fortune has smiled on them. 

He described the Company as flexible as they have already demonstrated by their action.

PC Kaimachende explained how they have tried so many mining companies and the role the central government played for them to have a reputable company like Seawright Mining Company.

He said the company is not strange to them and assured them of total cooperation as residents are optimistic that the company will change the narrative as they have been doing in other communities.

Seawright Mining Company Chief Operation Officer (COO) JabulaniMkoko explained that public disclosure meeting is a legal requirement whenever one wants to apply for EPA License.

He said it was important that they engaged the stakeholders to understand whether they were happy with the measure they wanted to put in place to mitigate the threat to the environment and to the community.

“Any mining operations impact on the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the community, as a company we need to come up with a plan to mitigate those plans.”

He went on to say the company has suitable machinery to carry out mining and development studies.

He disclosed that the company applied for large scale mining license because they are not new in the mining industry.

“We have a human face and passion in developing our community. We believe in action, we believe in doing things, I will let our action speak for us” 

He pledged one Toyota Land Cruiser that will be used as ambulance in that Chiefdom as they lack one.

He also assured them that they believed in a win-win situation for the government and the people of Sierra Leone.

EPA-SL Director Momodu A. Bah explained how important the ESIA is and called on the community to protect the investors as that is the best work they can.

He said the crowd he saw in the two days meeting demonstrated that the community are willing to throw their support behind the company.

Tankor Division Local Unit Commander Frankly Bawoh pledged their commitment of maximum security at all time for the company and the community in general.

He said they are always ready to give support to the company as they have begun to see what the company can do even when they have not yet started work.

“We pray the company will change the narrative from that of the other mining companies in that region.”

The Director of Advocacy for Social Justice and development, Arthur Kargbo rated concession the company about to acquire as satisfactory because the standards are there.  He described the level of consultation as the best approach at it cut across.

The Youth Leader Aiah Joseph Bayo said they are satisfied and happy over the public disclosure as nothing was hidden.

Aiah rated the public disclosure at 99% clear. He said based on the disclosure the company will employed 500 people at a start and up to 1,000 indirect jobs which he believed will cater for the youths in Gbense Chiefdom and Kono district in general.  

He advised the youths to keep their documents safe if they have the qualification while those without to try to attach themselves in one of the vocational institutes in Kono. 

Over hundred billion Leones will be spent on community work in the next five years by Seawright Mining Company in Gbense Chiefdom.

Statements were also made by the Section Chief FengaiBockarie, Office of National Security District Coordinator, Mustapha Bonuie, NMA Regional Manager, Kai Gbble and Lt/Col BAS Kamara, among others.

By 232News

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