President of the Police Wives Association Hawa Angela Jabba Sovula commissioning the handpump water wells

By Marilyn King

FREETOWN, Oct. 25 (SALONE TIMES) – The President of the Police Wives Association Hawa Angela Jabba Sovula last Friday and Saturday commissioned handpump water wells in Lunsar Police Barracks Division (Manranpa Chiefdom), Kabala Police Barracks, and Buedu Road Police Barracks, Kailahun District. The donation is with support from the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Her Excellency Fatima Jabbie Bio, together with the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of Local Police Partnership Board Lunsar Division, Mohamed S. Kamara said they were very excited about the water wells and pledged their determination in joining hands with the Police Wives in Lunsar to see that the water wells were always clean and tidy.

He furthered that they would use them in a positive way and thanked the President of the Sierra Leone Police Wives for her kind gesture to their Barracks.

The Support Officer for Lunsar Division, Superintendent Solomon S. Conteh expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of his division to Madam Hawa Sovula for her kind gesture.

He furthered that they would do their level best to make sure that officers maintain decency in the barracks.

He continued that over the years, they were faced with the challenge of fetching water in the barracks and the entire area, but that with the intervention of Madam Sovula, that has become a thing of the past.

He appealed for toilet facilities in the barracks so that there will be enough and decent toilets for officers residing at the barracks.

The Station Manager of SALWCO in Kailahun District, Brima Allieu maintained that they will make sure that they supply the barracks in Kailahun District with pure water and also take good care of the water wells by ensuring maintenance.

He noted that the beneficiaries of such a laudable venture will not only be the police wives and the police living in the barracks but also the entire neighborhood in Buedu Road, Kailahun District.

The Mamie Queen of the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association, Kailahun District, Hannah Small Jusu said that they had suffered for 17 years in Kailahun District in order to access clean drinking water and expressed appreciation the President of Sierra Leone Police Wives Association for her good job in Kailahun District.

She thanked the LUC and the SALWACO head in the district for their leadership role in making the facilities a success.

She concluded that they will always keep the barracks as well as the water well clean and tidy.

In her keynote address the President of Sierra Leone Police Wives Association, Hawa Jabba Angela Sovula disclosed that she got the support from the First Lady, Her Excellency Fatima Jabbie Bio who assisted her to have the water wells constructed the various barracks.

She maintained that she has 33 barracks within her control and that they are in full support of her as their leader since she took over power last year.

She furthered that she regularly visits the 33 barracks to make sure that she checks upon the Police Wives and ensure that they are living peaceably with their husbands.

She disclosed that she believes in helping in her own little way to ensure development noting that they are not receiving any pay from government but that their support come from their husbands.

The unveiling of the water wells climaxed the occasion.

By 232News

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