Presentation of the donated solar lights

By Ibrahim Sangba

FREETOWN, Oct. 28 (SALONE TIMES) – As the saying goes, light serves as a symbol of life, happiness, prosperity, and in a wider sense, light represents a perfect being. In contrast, darkness is associated with chaos, evil and devilish or underworld being.

On that backdrop, the two developmentally oriented personalities (madam Kumba Digba of the Kumba Digba Foundation and the people’s representative in parliament for constituency 026 David Kassegbama) teamed up in the continuation of solar lights donation to the people of constituency 026, Upper Sandor and its contributing environs on the 15th, 16th and 17th October 2021.

According to the Hon. MP Kassegbama, the product is among the first-class solar lights suitable for street lightning with 200-watt power, by Jiangsu Technology Co., Ltd., a leading street lights manufacturing company in China. Each of the light cost about one million five hundred thousand Leones (Le 1,500,000) and if handled with due care, it will last for more than 10 years.

The three days solar lights donation was a rejoinder to previous ones they donated to Yaryah town among others. This time around, it started at the Koakor Park in Koidu City. Koakor Park is a strategic point for commercial Bike riders in Kono District.  The Park plays an integral part for the progress of constituency 026 in the Upper Sandor, wherein bike riders, passengers and local commodity traders do meet for transactions.

On behalf of the Park’s union, the chairman Sahr Steven Ngaujah received three (3) set solar lights with its full accessories.  The chairlady of the Union thanked the honorable Member of Parliament and his entourage on behalf of the union. “Most time bike riders bring our goods at night, as a result, some goods get spoiled or even get missing, but with the help these solar lights our problems are have been reduced”.

On the 16th October, 2021, Kocheor, the headquarters town of Sangbafeh section received its share of solar lights. On behalf of the town, Chief Sahr Mambu Satto received four (4) solar lights including accessories. The section chief Sahr Mohamed Yarjah thanked Honourable and his team for extending their developmental olive branch to his town. “Our school going pupils will now use good light for their night studies” he ended.

In addition, Kondeya line in the Kawafeh Section and Yaryah in the Yawantada section received a full package of three (3) and four (4) solar lights respectively.

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