ASA-USL President, Dr. Williette James presenting the items

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Nov. 10 (232News) – The mortuary vicinity of the Connaught Hospital was a somber scene on the 8th November 2021 as scores of people were openly weeping and mourning for their loved ones who were consumed by the ferocious 5th November, 2021 inferno that left many dead and some seriously injured, currently responding to treatment in different facilities within Freetown. The weeping and wailing was going alongside preparations to convey the dead to a cemetery at Waterloo for burial later in the day.

As all that was taking place, the Academic Staff Association,  University of Sierra Leone (ASA-USL), led by its President, Dr. Williette James, who also doubles as the Head of the Mass Communications Department of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, accompanied by Vice President Dr Mohamed Bawoh,  Prof. Allison Sesay, other lecturers and some students donated medical items to the hospital on the basis of using them in the treatment of the surviving fire victims who are presently admitted there.

Prior to the presentation of the items, Dr. James informed all present that after receiving news of the fire accident, as an Association, they hanged heads and pulled resources together in order to see how best they could assist. She furthered that from what they were able to raise the Association was able to procure certain medical items worth over twenty million Leones (Le20, 000.000) which they were present at the hospital to donate.

the donated items

Dr. Williette James underscored that the donation they were about to make could be considered as a first response by ASA-USL. She disclosed that the Association’s members are still contributing and there is the possibility of coming up with another donation.

Dr.Moses Batewa, Deputy Incident Manager and Deputy Managing Director of the National Medical Supplies Agency, after symbolically receiving the items extended profound thanks to  ASA-USL for the donation considering it as worthwhile especially at this crucial moment when such is highly required.

He stated that for him, what the accident clearly portrayed is the manifestation of how citizens can rally together when incidents of such national magnitude occur. He promised that the donated items will be utilized for their intended purposes.

On his part, the Hospital Secretary, Ibrahim Foday Musa, said at first they were overwhelmed with receiving those who sustained burns as well as corpses but continued that they are now seriously focusing on administering specialized treatments to ensure that the victims recover speedily. He pointed out that they are not happy to receive the donation under the prevailing situation but maintained they have no option as they will be useful in the discharge of their work. 

The high point of the event was the formal handing over of the medical items to the Deputy Incident Manager.

By 232News

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