Third Triennial Synod

By Mariatu Esther Tamba

FREETOWN, Nov. 10 (SALONE TIMES) – The Diocesan Bishop Rt Revd. Thomas A. I. Wilson has on Tuesday 9th November, 2021 at the Third Triennial Synod held at the Christ Church Pademba Road, Freetown charge delegates to break camp and advance.

Citing Deuteronomy 1:6-8, he said they have stayed long enough in one place so they need to break Camp and advance. They have been stagnant and unproductive for the kingdom of God. He said the stagnant river breeds death, mosquitoes and all kinds of diseases, so they need to move out of their old thinking and comfort zone in order to advance like Moses.

Bishop Wilson said for they were the first missionaries that came out of Sierra Leone and for the past 40 years, they have been encountering some challenges in their journey to grow.

 “Instead of the church having space to provide the needed salt and light for the nation, elders who are supposed to be agents of discipleship for the younger generation derived pleasure in distracting and sowing seed of discord where it is not needed. By extension remaining stagnant, no movement and displacement,” he noted.

He asked for God’s intervention as they have dishonoured God and left undone all they ought to have done.

Anglican Bishop of Freetown and Makeni

He lamented that the obvious compromise of the pulpit is a sad development and emphasis on repentance. Bishop said the heartbeat of Christ is sharing the goodness to everyone and narrowing the gates of hell.

He proposed that funeral charges for members who are regularly attend services and pay their tithes/class dues be waved in all churches within the Diocese.

He suggested ten areas he would like the delegates to break camp and advance and also discus are: Media Communications, the Social Ministry of the Church, Maximizing Youth potential, Gender issues and female empowerment, Operation Go North, Agriculture, Retirement home for clergy, Climate change, projects and partnership in mission.

He thanked God for His guidance and love to everyone who has being part of his journey

He concluded with Hebrew 12:1 which he used to admonished delegates to lay aside every weight or sin and run with endurance the race that was set before them.

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