Top IPAM Management

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, June 3 ( – The Free Quality Education is one of the flagship programs of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) led government. This is being backed by the key goals of the Medium Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) which include human capital development, strengthening governance and accountability, building infrastructure, promoting economic diversification and competitiveness as stated in the country’s strategy paper 2020-2024. However this seems to be an irony on the part of the government as the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) and the University of Sierra Leone(USL) were left in the wilderness due to lack of Sovereign Guarantee.

Few years ago, IPAM took up a venture to construct a multi-purpose university campus at Bureh Town in the Western Area Peninsular. The project went through all the processes from Cabinet to Parliamentary approval and the signing of the contract with FEMAB.

The turning of sod was done by on the 24th January 2019 by Professor David Francis the then Chief Minister now Foreign Affairs for commencement of construction work

Updating the Press about the project, university authorities said that the commencement of the project has been put on hold because FENAB is yet to receive Sovereign Guarantee from the Ministry of Finance in order to commence the construction project. According to them, ministry of finance advised them to find an alternative source of finance.

In a press release on status report on the FEMAB/IPAM Bureh Town Campus Development Project, IPAM spoke about the series of engagements between them and FEMAB Property Developers.

“A contract was eventually signed between the two parties, witnessed by the Government of Sierra Leone on Thursday 2nd August, 2018 at State House for the ‘construction of the University’s entire university campus and its ancillary facilities on the terms stated in the contract. The signing came after the proposal was discussed and approved by Cabinet and later ratified by Parliament.”

According Dr. Ezekiel Duramani Lakoh, Dean of Faculty of Accounting and Finance, the contract stipulates two main conditions precedent: –

“IPAM should make an upfront payment of equivalent to 25% (US$ 12.5 million) of the Contract amount of US$ 50.0 million.

The Government should provide a Sovereign Guarantee covering the remaining 75% (US$ 37.5 million) of the Contract amount to FEMAB to enable the Company to secure a loan of the same amount.”

He went on to say that IPAM Bureh Town Campus contract was managed through a well-defined and financial control mechanisms monitored by the Ministry of Finance.

“IPAM-USL, through a loan facility obtained from the United Bank for Africa (UBA) and internally generated revenue transferred funds equivalent to US $ 4.5 million (7% of total project cost) to FEMAB. With that, mobilization started on the ground including topographic survey, a comprehensive soil test and a detailed planning and drawing of the Bureh Town Residential Campus.

 However, progress has been slow if not stalled mainly due to the inability to meet condition 2. Above, a Sovereign Guarantee to be provided by the Ministry of Finance to enable FEMAB obtain their part of the funds required to commence full fledge construction.” Dr. Ezekiel Duramani Lakohexplained from the Press Release.

The release went on to disclose that the University has set up a special Committee to look into the activities relating to the FEMAB/IPAM Bureh Town Campus Development Project and advised the Vice Chancellor on where the project was, the progress made so far, challenges encountered and the way forward.

The Committee reported that they had met before and had even conducted a site visit to Bureh Town where they discovered that mobilization had actually started but work seemed to have stalled.

Prof. Samuel Edmond Nonie Deputy Vice Chancellor, IPAM pointed out that FEMAB has been regularly highlighting factors affecting the progress of the Project and suggested other financing options which also required government commitment to the project.

“FEMAB indicated that they had done a report informing on how the funds received were spent. A lot of background mobilization work of drawing, procurement of equipment and other material, insurance and other had to be done before physical work on the ground could commence. This document was copied to IPAM and the University of Sierra Leone.”

He spoke about the request they made to the Ministry of Works to verify the document presented by FEMAB as a measure to ensure transparency and fairness in their due process.

“FEMAB, in a letter dated 2nd February 2021 addressed to the Financial Secretary and the Ministry of Finance indicated that they have obtained evidence of proof of funds for their counterpart funding of the Project. The facility could accommodate an “alternative repayment option (s) of a payment guarantee backed by the Ministry of Finance and an acceptable cash flow projection of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), University of Sierra Leone and other comforts as may be required by the Ministry of Finance” Dr.Lakoh said.

The authority expressed commitment to the project “IPAM is of the very strong conviction that since a Sovereign Guarantee cannot be provided, the FEMAB with new alternative proposal from FEMAB, and consideration of other visible alternative models, a meeting of all stakeholders (Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Ministry of Finance, the University Secretariat and FEMAB) is being planned with representatives of FEMAB expected to be in Freetown on Monday, 6th June 2022.”

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