Law Court Building

By Sahr Ibrahim Komba

FREETOWN, June 27 (SALONE TIMES) – On the 22nd June 2022, Mohamed Kanu alias Abass, a 32-year-old driver appeared before Justice Monfred Sesay in high court no 2 for judgment on four count charges ranging from conspiracy, robbery, wounding with intent and possession of small arms.

Before handing down the sentence, the honorable judge instructed the state council to advice government on the prevention of drug.

According to him, government must prevent drug from entering the country.

He furthered that over 60% of youths including pupils in Freetown take drugs and this has the propensity to destroy youths or even create chaos. Government must do everything to prevent drugs from entering the country because elections are around the corner.

“The action of the accused is daring and takes a ‘kush’ mind or someone under the influence of drugs to attack and disarmed a well-armed police officer’’ he said.

According to the charge sheet, on diverse days between the 23rd day of April 2017 and the 25th day of April 2017 at Freetown in the western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone the accused conspired with other persons unknown to commit a felony to wit robbery with violence.

Robbery with violence contrary to section 23 (1) (b) of the Larceny Act 1961 as repealed and replaced by section 2 of the Imperial Statutes (criminal law) adoption amendment act 1971 Act No 6 of 1971.

On the 25th April 2017 at Freetown western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone the accused robbed police constable 15822 Alhaji Sorie Kamara of one AK-47 rifle, property of the Government of Sierra Leone whilst in the custody of the police officer and at the same time of such robbery he used personal violence to the said police officer.

Wounding contrary to section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.On the 25th day of April 2017 at Freetown Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone the accused maliciously wounded Police constable 15822 Alhaji Sorie Kamara.

Possession of small arm without license, contrary to section 11 (1) of the Arm and Ammunition Act  2012. On the 25th day of April 2017 at the same address the accused was found in possession of small arms without license to wit one AK-47 rifle with magazine and ammunitions.

The accused pleaded guilty and asked the court to temper justice with Marcy. He further said he has already spent five years and one month in remand. He also informed the court that he has two children and his elder sister who had been taking care of the children was reported dead and there is no one to take care of his children.

The accused promised to be a resourceful person when he is released from prison. The 32 year old man said that his children will suffer and their lives will be in jeopardy if he continually remains in prison.

Defense council R.S Bangura Esq pleaded with court to temper justice with Marcy because the accused is a young man and has two children to take care of. He added that the accused saved the court valuable resources by pleading guilty.

Bangura added that the accused is a father and has two children to take care of.

“The children should not suffer for something they have no idea of’’ he said.

Bangura further said that the accused is reported to be a first time offender and has regretted his action. ‘’He promised to be a reformed and productive citizen after this experience,’’ he said.

He acknowledged that the law is the law and in circumstances like this, the court has inherent jurisdiction to exercise that digression in favor of the accused and give minimal sentence considering time spent in prison.

Before reading the sentence, Justice Monfred Sesay cautioned the accused and said all citizens should be law abiding, respect police officers and not to obstruct law enforcement institution.

He said that the accused and others person unknown attacked a police officer who was on duty and disarmed him off his weapon and used it against him.

The judge cautioned and discharged the accused on count one that is conspiracy and count four possession of small arms without license contrary to section 11 (1) of Arms and Ammunition Act of 2012

He sentenced the accused to five years’ imprisonment on count two (robbery) effect on the day of his arrest that was on the 20th April 2017 and sentence the accused to twelve months’ imprisonment on count three (wounding with intent) contrary section 20.

He said that both sentence in count two and three to run concurrently. The state was represented by Aruna Jalloh Esq. 

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