Upgrading of Parade Field ongoing

By Bockarrie Allieu   

FREETOWN: Aug 8 (SALONE TIMES – 232news.com) – Few days ago the CEO for Gento Group of Companies Mohamed Gento Kamara boosted the Central One Football Association with an amount of Le128M (NLe128,000) for their upcoming Inter-Community league. Gento also promised to give each participating community team Le4M each plus two sets of jerseys each. The CEO has served as an executive member in one of the most successful football club in Sierra Leone. Apart from COFA Gento has also rendered similar help to other mini-leagues at Brima Attouga mini-stadium Clinetown and for the School Yard Community league. He promised again to give each team that will progress to the next rounds of the various leagues Le2M each to prepare for the next round.

CEO Gento Group of Company, Mohamed Gento Kamara

In his statement he said he is doing all this to help develop football in the country and to keep the youths busy. He advice all to avert from riot as football is most times used to bring peace as the essence of the league is to preach against violent and the use of drugs. Gento also found out that the Parade field was not good to play good and with the appeal from the organizers he ordered his machines to come and dig out all the rocks at the Parade pitch. After digging out the rocks the workers will level all the holes with another soil and compress it before the league commence. Before the community league there was a non-division league going on which was at the knock-out stage. The Acting Chairman of COFA Phlipson Cline-Cole said they will continue with the non-division league as soon as the field work is completed. Already he said 32 teams have registered to take part in the upcoming community league.

By 232News

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