Course Participants

By Allieu Bockarie 


The Sierra Leone Archery Association is a new sport established few years back and was later registered as an Olympic Sports. According to the President of Archery, Yayah Koroma, the above association was formed in 2020.

He went on that as new sport in Sierra Leone they engaged the executive of NOCSL to develop the new sport which they did and have been helping onto this date. The NOC he said later awarded them a Development of National Sports Structure project (DNSS) to develop Archery in the country. In 2020, the expert for the DNSS project Marja Woortman a World Archery Coach Trainer came to Sierra Leone for the DNSS project. Her second travel to Sierra Leone was obstructed by the COVID outbreak which led them to do the practical online.

It was still difficult for the participants to understand the practical aspect of the new sport. He went on that few years back they again engaged the National Olympic Committee executive who decided to award a level1 course to the Archery Association. Marja again travelled to Sierra Leone to train local coaches that could take the Sports to the Schools and the communities. A reason, he said they have PHE teachers among the participants whom he said will easily train the pupils in their various schools. He commended the course expert whom he said has been very supportive to the development of Archery in Sierra Leone. Yayah went on that the development of any sporting discipline begins with the training of the technical personnel.

He appealed to the coaches to use the knowledge they have learnt to train athletes for the sport. He assured the coaches that the association will go all out to provide what they need to do their job. In this case, he said if Archery has to develop it will begin with they the coaches. Among the participants were 16 men and 7 women. Among the women were two female para athletes. The president went on that in 2023 they will make sure that they take part in all international competitions if the coaches work well. He further stated that they are also planning to let the coaches do level2 course. This one he said it will be the expert that will select the best among them who will travel to Switzerland to do the level 2 course. The NOC Secretary General Joseph Nyande told the participants that if Archery fails to develop, they will blame them the coaches. He went on that they now have the knowledge to go out to train more Archery athletes. After the one week long presentation ceremony, level 1 coaching certificates were awarded to all the 23 participants. The presentation ceremony was also graced by the Director of Sports Moiwo Korgie and few presidents of Sporting Associations.   

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