Minister of Mines for signing a landmark agreement

By Josephine W. Lagawo


The Deputy Chief Whip of the Sierra Leone Parliament who is also Chairman of the Committee on Internal Affairs, Hon. Alusine Kanneh, of Constituency 013 Kenema District urged the Minister of Labour, Alpha Osman Timbo and officials of the ministry to fully execute and implement the Working Permit Act of 2022 and the Overseas Employment and Migrant Workers Act.

Hon Kanneh pointed out that Sierra Leoneans are suffering at the hands of foreigners because of the lack of implementation of good laws, noting that, they have passed so many laws in the House of Parliament but the implementation of those laws has been a challenge over the years.

The MP from Kenema said Sierra Leoneans have been abused by foreigners who opened businesses in the country and that they as politicians need to protect them by enforcing the law.

He said that this law will protect their Citizens in and out of the country, explaining that he has spent most of his years in overseas and that even though they carry their passport, they treat them as foreigners  

He stated that Sierra Leonean should be treated as Class A citizens in their country.  

According to him, he has known the Minister of Labour for several years and he (Minister) worked with late former President Kabbah’s government.

He cited that mining companies that are coming with expatriates should be looked into because these expatriates come into the country without working permits and it is where government should be making money.

Hon Kanneh lamented that one of his nephews was working for a Lebanese man about four years ago, but that he was treated unfairly except for his intervention that his nephew was given his benefit.

He noted that it is a concern for them as members of Parliament, calling on the Minister to warn his staff against the bad things they are doing.

Presenting the bill to members of parliament, the Minister of Labour and Social Security Alpha Osman Timbo said the most valuable asset is the workforce and that is the reason he is bringing the Working Permit Act 2022 to parliament to replace the 1992 Law.

Timbo pointed out that people are coming with expatriates to work in Sierra Leone without getting a Work Permit while in other countries as one steps his feet on their shores, one is asked for a work permit.

He noted that the work permit contributes immensely to the consolidated fund. Parliament has referred the bill to the legislative committee for scrutiny.

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