Amb Omrie Golley


One of the leading presidential flagbearer candidates of the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) Party has said he is the best presidential candidate placed to unite the tribal, regional and political divides of Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Omrie Golley made these remarks on Saturday 21st January 2023 on the occasion of the official launch of his presidential bid to lead the APC party to the 2023 presidential election. The occasion itself took place at the party’s headquarters in Pujehun District, Southern Province of Sierra Leone (a place known to be a ruling party stronghold).

In that occasion, thousands of Sierra Leoneans from across the country, including Temnes from Mile 91, Port Loko, Matotoka, Kambia, Makeni and Kerena; as well as Limbas from Kamakwie; youths from Freetown in the Western Areas; joined their Mende compatriots from Bo, Kenema, Kailahun and Moyamba all in Pujehun to showcase love, unity and oneness which is the bastion of Ambassador Golley’s campaign.

“Today I am here in Pujehun as a native from this place, but I came here with our brothers from all around the country to preach peace and love to you all,” Ambassador Golley stated, adding that “in my government, I am going to bridge all regional divides which has engrained into the fabric of our current society. I believe east, west, north, or south. Krio, Mende, Temne, Limba, we are all one people.”
Ambassador Golley added that: “Two decades ago, in our darkest times, I put myself at great personal risk to help bring peace to our country. I then served as an Ambassador for our nation, working to strengthen the fragile peace we had won, securing investment and resource for our nation’s development and building Sierra Leone’s reputation across the world.”

Furthermore, the Ambassador stressed that he stand before Sierra Leoneans to announce that the time has come for him to take a more central role in building a better future for Sierra Leone.

Hence he said he decides to run for the Presidency of Sierra Leone because “I too love our country and am determined to see a brighter future for Sierra Leone.”

By 232News

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