KKY Thinking of next move

By Thomas Dixon


The leader of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) has told his party that his decision will be communicated to them soon. He made this statement this past Saturday 28 January at the NGC National Executive Council Meeting at the Family Kingdom in Freetown.

“NGC belongs to you, it is left to you to make or break it, you won’t be forced to make any but to decide on your own today. My decisions will be clearly communicated when I am ready, it is left to you to follow me or to decide otherwise,” he maintained.

He asked them to decide the direction of the party, noting that he woke up every morning seeing so much disrespect for him from within the party and that while he is being disrespected by the party he is being respected elsewhere.

 He said that some people have been calling him all types of names just because he was with President Bio.

“Negotiations are not for small boys, even in the UN there are so many backdoor negotiations before they come to the public, but you in the NGC require that I report to you everything in every one of my meetings on social media, I will never do such, take that from me today,” he stated

He revealed that President Bio has met with him several times and requested to meet with the NGC, noting that he will continue his discussion with President Bio both in private and in public because 7yrs ago he did the same with former President Koroma.

He maintained that what is necessary for the party is strategic management and not his meeting with Maada Bio and that for him the biggest thing in the country is to unify the nation and that is what he is always telling the President when they meet.

By 232News

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