Bio and Education Minster

By Donald Theo-Harding


Scores of school children and treachery were left injured on Thursday 2nd February 2023 when part of the railing of the stadium in Bo collapsed. The tragedy occurred during the launch of distribution of sanitary pads to school girls by the first family, President and Madam Bio at the stadium.

When the news first break, it came out that the stadium collapsed. In his haste to rebut the alarm, the Minister of Basic Education David Moinina Sengeh. “Bo Stadium DID not collapse. There was NO stampede. A railing broke and children fell and hurt themselves. No fatalities reported.

Most observers that saw this tweet described it as playing politics with the lives of the children. Nothing was said about the state of the children at that time and his no sympathy expressed to the victims.

No sooner had he tweeted that tan the President Maada Bio posted on tweeter that which Sengeh should have done earlier. Bio Tweeted “My heart goes out to all the children affected and families of the kids that sustained injuries in the unfortunate incident at the Bo stadium today. I wish all a speedy recovery and our medical team are working assiduously to administer medical attention to the injured. My team and I are monitoring the situation to ensure that everyone that needs medical attention receives it.”

This most observers viewed as states manly and the right thing to do. 

By 232News

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