Former Minister of Lands and Country Planning, Dr. Denis Sandy was seen distributing Sanitary Pads together the First Lady in some secondary schools in Freetown recently


Justice Adrian Fisher has slammed an injunction restraining Dr. Dennis Sandy for interfering with property of one Abraham Randall at Cape Road Aberdeen.

Dr. Dennis Sandy served as a Cabinet Minister under the opposition APC party headed by Ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma but because of his extremism and excesses he was widely criticized and eventually sacked on. He was again called by President Bio in 2018 to serve as Lands minister. During his reign in both governments, Dr. Sandy was notorious for unilaterally confiscating lands from private individuals who had owned such lands for generations. He caused so much indignation and sorrow, deliberately not even mindful that the vast majority of the citizenry were going through hard times, continually adding insult to injury. He used the military and police forces, embarked on the demolition of the bona fide properties of citizens in the Western Rural Area under the disguise of reclaiming State Land.

Many Sierra Leoneans jubilated when he was sacked for the second time. Now the hen has come to roost. He has been ordered to pay Le 50M damages for trespass to the property of one of his thousands of victims and given an injunction order restraining him from interfering with the said property. Many believe that this will let the floodgates open and more and more complaints and charges will be levied against him. 

By 232News

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