President Bio Presides Over Payment of SLE 20 Billion in CDF

232news –

By Thomas Dixon

President Julius Maada Bio has told his supporters that things are indeed difficult but better days are ahead.

The President made this statement after his nomination to run for re-election on June 24 Presidential and Parliamentary elections on Tuesday 2nd May while addressing supporters at the Brima Atuga Mini Stadium.

President Bio will be facing the polls amidst continuous hardship which has been primarily caused by the Russian-Ukraine war and COVID.

The President informed his supporters that they have been making progress but that they should exercise patience and ensure that they vote for him to continue the good work.

He highlighted his work in the health sector where under his government they have reduced maternal mortality and have been recognized as global champions of education, pointing out his government records on education.

He said that the coalition of the progressives is for the development of the country and not to win the election because according to him, his supporters will definitely give him a second term to continue the development in the country.

He stressed that he is happy for their supporters in the SLPP, describing them as decent people. He pointed out that their supporters should eschew any form of violence and motherly invectives.

Other speakers included the Former Vice President under President Koroma, Leader of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella (KKY), former Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources under former President Koroma, Alhaji Alpha Khanu and others.

By 232News

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