Bishop Tamba Charles


By Donald Theo-Harding

The Inter-Religious Council Sierra Leone (IRCSL) and the Council of Churches Sierra Leone (CCSL) has held dialogue with political parties and election Management bodies on non-violence election 2023. The dialogue which was held on Thursday 18th May 2023 at the Council of Churches Hall Kingharman in Freetown  brought together representatives from the following political parties; RUFP, NDA, PDP, NURP, APC, Renip, PMDC, ADP, and CDP. The ruling SLPP was noticeably absent.  

In welcoming participants, the President of the Inter-Religious Council Sierra Leone, The Most Rev. D. E.T. Charles said that the dialogue offers all an opportunity to renew their commitments to ensure free, fair and non-violent elections come June 24, 2023. He recalled that there had been reports of violence in previous elections which does not augur well for the peace and stability of the country nor does it present a good image in the international media. He said such violence will drive away investors who might be thinking of investing in the country in order to provide jobs for Sierra Leoneans. “As religious leaders, we take our responsibility seriously to preach peace and to educate our congregation’ the Bishop said. He pointed out that it was with that in mind that they had called representatives of political parties, heads of security forces and the ONS so that in the spirit of dialogue they could re-educate themselves on the electoral processes and how they will all contribute to a free and non-violent environment before, during and after the election of June 2023.

The President of the Council of Churches Sierra Leone (CCSL) in his statement noted that the dialogue is to frankly discuss elections related issues with the view of finding amicable solutions. He said that as IRCSL and CCSL, they have been involved in taking part in activities such as dialogue with Political parties and encouraged them to sign up and commit themselves to peaceful elections. He reaffirmed their commitments that as a religious organistion they have decided to focus on Prayers, Advocacy and Participation. He ended up by pledging that their bodies will continue to be the voice of the voiceless as well as identifying and speaking out against anything that will tend to have a negative effect on the June 24th elections.

In presenting a communique, the General Secretary of the IRCSL Rev. Dr. Usman Forna called on all political players to thrive and work towards a free, fair and peaceful elections. ‘Political parties and their candidates should demonstrate the right attitude of respecting the rules of the game, demonstrate political tolerance, denounce hate messages or indecent language and exhibit the important values of faithfulness, humility and accountability,’ he said.  He warned against slogans and messages that will bring hatred and conflict. He called on the media in particular to engage in responsible and balanced media coverage while reporting on the electoral process. He also called on the security apparatus to ensure that justice is not selective.

The Institute for Governance Reform (IGR) presented the Citizens Manifesto while members of the various political parties present lauded the religious leaders for talking to political parties and asked that they continue to talk to them until and even after the elections.

By 232News

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