A Paramount Chief Member of Parliament has revealed that 13 Paramount Chiefs will be engaging the main opposition APC Party to come to Parliament.

This was disclosed by Hon. PC Paul Ngaba Saquee V of Kono District in the Well of Parliament while debating the Presidential Speech delivered by President Bio on 3rd August 2023 in the Well of Parliament.

Hon PC Saquee V said that the country is sadly polarized and that as paramount chief he wants to see that the opposition APC is in parliament when parliament resumes from recess, adding that he wants peace to prevail in the country.

He maintained that as a paramount chief his second occupation is farming but that the way government tractors are being distributed to his chiefdom without his knowledge is a surprise to him.

He said that if government or the Ministry of Agriculture wants to give out tractors to farmers they should involve them as Paramount Chiefs as they are the custodians of the chiefdom.

He mentioned that even though work on the Kono University of Science is yet to be completed, but that because it was raised by Hon Rebecca Sam during the supplementary budget, the Minister of Finance has provided funds for the university to be completed.

He pointed out that sometimes good things come in small package, noting that by highlighting his five years vision to members of parliaments in theWell shows that the President is ready for the country to grow its own food.

He called on the government to ensure that through the Minister of Agriculture provides seedling, fertilizers to farmers earlier as well as tractors to get work done to achieve the Feed Salone agenda. He lamented that the sixth parliament has shown some maturity by fostering collaboration.

By 232News

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