Top APC Elders



The opposition All People’s Congress Party requested the release of political prisoners at the end of three days dialogue between them and the Government of Sierra Leone. The peace dialogue was mediated by African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Commonwealth and the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC) in an effort to bring the parties together.

At the end of the dialogue, eight resolutions were put forward for consideration. Among them were requests by the APC for the release of all political prisoners for alleged elections and civil protest and the discontinuation of any politically motivated court cases against APC and any other political parties supporters.

However, the APC and the government of Sierra Leone should not forget the country is governed by laws and we should ensure that these laws are not compromised for any personal interest.

The idea to release elections offenders and the discontinuation of court cases against the APC will undermine the credibility of our public institutions in the country.

 In as much as every side needs peace and functioning democracy, we should never set bad precedent that undermines the laws of the country in pursuit of our personal gains.

The country is governed by laws and we should not compromise them for anything.

As a disciplined and a well-structured party, the public expected the APC to call for the speedy trial of those cases instead of discontinuation.

 If this happens, the country will find itself in a vicious circle. APC will not remain in opposition and will someday assume power.

The Public Election Act of 2012 as amended in 2022 is clear on the issue of election offenders and the Public Order Act is also clear on the issue of riotous conduct in the country.

No one is above the law. Let us obey the laws and follow the process of the law.

The public welcome the assumption of elective positions by the APC and other political parties should note that citizens elected them to represent them in governance.

It is incumbent on every elected member to represent and work for the people of Sierra Leone because they voted them into those offices to work. The government and the APC should not look at this as a win or loss because the active involvement of the opposition in the governance processes of the state help promotes democratic good governance.

The US Ambassador applauded the decision of the government of Sierra Leone and the APC for their courage in signing the agreement for National Unity in the country. The disagreement between them had the propensity to cripple the government of President Bio who was declared winner of June 20th multi-tier election in the country.

The government of Sierra Leone and the All People Congress Party should endeavor and talk to their supporters to deviate from the use of hate speech on social media.

There are mix feelings among the supporters of the opposition. Some accused their leaders of betrayal adding that their demands were not granted.

Nevertheless, supporters of the opposition party should not consider the situation as a do or die issue.

They should swallow their pride and embrace peace. This is about Sierra Leone and not about the political party.

The general public welcomes the good work of the mediators from the African Union, the Commonwealth and the Economic Community of West African States. Their intervention came at the right time and this will help Sierra Leoneans to put their differences aside and embrace peace.  

By 232News

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