TRACE Joenal along SLAJ Sec Gen (far Right) Yeanor Kabia, Samuel Ibrahim Koroma and Amadu Lamrana Bah

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

To act in a way that shows others how to act, for short by living by example is what we call leadership. 

This act was demonstrated over the weekend by the Sierra Leone Reporters Union (SLRU), the body responsible for the welfare of reporters in Sierra Leone.

Over the weekend, this body through the dynamic leadership of the Sierra Leone Journalists Association (SLAJ) and the Electoral Authority conducted peaceful and friendly contests. 

SLRU by extension is an affiliate body of SLAJ, just like Sports Writers Association Sierra Leone (SWASAL) and they are one of the oldest affiliate bodies to SLAJ. 

Reporters contested for different positions but the keenly contested are the Presidency and the Secretary General. 

From the starts of the campaign, TRACE noticed the friendly atmosphere through the interviews on various radio stations, television and in newspapers-it is all about one goal and the reporters demonstrated that. 

Despite the heavy rains on that day, reporters came out in their hundreds to cast their votes and after casting their votes they entertained themselves at the nearby spot. 

TRACE was shocked to see reporters entertaining themselves after they peacefully cast their votes and allowed the independent Observer, polling agents and the electoral commission to carry out their duty. 

It hard to see such gathering of Journalists if not for SLAJ Annual General Meetings.

Election is the formal process of selecting a person for public office or of accepting or rejecting a political proposition by voting. It is important to distinguish between the form and the substance of elections.

In some cases, electoral forms are present but the substance of an election is missing in which voters do not have a free and genuine choice between at least two alternatives.

Most countries, institutions hold elections in at least the formal sense, but in many of them the elections are not competitive (e.g., all but one party may be forbidden to contest) or the electoral situation is in other respects highly compromised.

In the case of the SLRU Elections, it was done in a formal sense, every question was justified by all parties before the elections was held. 

From inception, the Journalists bodies always conduct credible and transparent elections.

Sierra Leone Association of Journalists Electoral Commission (SLAJEC) announced as follows:


Yeanor Kabia – 235

Samuel Ibrahim Koroma – 52

Void – 4


Foday Moriba Conteh – 65

Ronald Joe Morovia – 222

Void – 4


Susan Kamanda – 129

Mamadu Bah – 52

The long overdue elections for a new national executive came with unity, love and peace as speeches from all sectors flooded the media after the result was announced.

The outgone SLRU President, Amadu Lamrana Bah made the statement below:
As the outgoing President, I want to congratulate Yeanor Kabia, the new SLRU President and Ronald Morovia, the new Secretary General, and the rest of the new executive and Regional Coordinators. 

Thanks to the other candidates who campaigned peacefully with respect for their colleagues.

I feel so satisfied that this has happened, and we will have a new team with renewed energy to revive SLRU and make it to what everyone envisages. I wished we could have done this earlier. Thanks to my colleagues who served with me during our tenure. 

One of the most peaceful and transparent elections was conducted today by the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists Electoral Commission (SLAJEC) and observed by National Elections Watch (NEW). 

SLAJEC is a body, other institution could learn from in conducting elections. SLAJ has set the bar higher for other institutions. Thanks to the SLAJ President and his team for providing leadership in ensuring the elections are finally conducted.

I am looking forward to formally handing over to the new President and her executive as they begin their journey to move SLRU forward.

SLRU President elect, Yeanor Kabia in her victory speech posited:

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues and members of the Sierra Leone Reporters Union. I stand before you today overwhelmed with gratitude   and humility as your newly elected President of the SLRU.

The results of this election,  a  landslide victory, are not just a personal win but a resounding endorsement of our shared vision  for  a  stronger, more united SLRU.

First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest thanks to every single one of you who cast your vote in my favor. Whether you reside in the East, South, North, or Western Area of Sierra Leone, your trust and confidence in me are what have brought us here today.

I must also recognize and appreciate the tireless efforts of our dedicated Campaign Team. Our Campaign Manager Ishmail Saidu Kanu, his deputy Rachel Williams, Director of Finance Saptieu Kallon, Marion George who was also part of the team, and our Campaign Leads across the regions — BBC Suma (North), Susan Kamanda (East), and Paul Kamara (South) — your commitment and hard work    have been instrumental in securing this victory.

Thank you for believing in our cause and tirelessly promoting our message.

To our affiliate bodies and partner organizations — Women in the Media, SWASAL, Court Reporters, Parliamentary Press Gallery, SLAWIJ, Guild of Editors, SLIBA, and the Health Reporters Network — your support and collaboration are invaluable.

Together, we will strengthen our union and elevate the standards of REPORTERS in Sierra Leone.

A special thanks goes to SLAJEC for conducting a free and fair election with solid professionalism.

Your integrity in overseeing process sets a commendable standard for democratic practices in   Sierra Leone.

To our parent body, SLAJ, I pledge our full cooperation and partnership. Together, we will prioritize the welfare of every REPORTER under our care. Their well-being is our utmost concern, and we are committed to delivering on our promises outlined in our manifesto.

Let us not forget our opponents and their supporters. I extend a hand of unity and collaboration to SAMUEL IBRAHIM KOROMA and all who stood with him. Let us join forces to rebrand SLRU and move forward as a stronger, more cohesive union. We are all WINNERS today, and our collective efforts will only serve to benefit our beloved profession of journalism.

To everyone who supported us financially, morally, emotionally, and in every possible way — your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Your belief in our vision has taken us to this moment, and we promise to honor that faith with firm dedication.

And finally, to our  REPORTERS  — the  lifeblood  of our union — I assure you that we will work tirelessly to implement  the  reforms  and  improvements outlined in our manifesto. Together, we will rebrand SLRU and ensure that your welfare and professional growth remain our top priorities.

Finally, let us embrace this victory not as an end but as a new beginning. Together, with unity and determination, we can make SLRU better than ever before.

Long live SLRU!

Long live our REPORTERS! Long live SLAJ!


Thank you all very much!!”

This also saw her opponent Samuel Ibrahim Koroma thanking his constituency for supporting him while congratulating Yeanor Kabia in the statement below:

“Despite the support of so many colleagues from around the length and breadth and the endorsement of many others, I failed to earn a spot as President of Sierra Leone Reporters Union.

I might felt disappointed—as I know I could have made a difference—but in all elections, you don’t win silver. You lose gold. And coming close doesn’t count.

But on a very special note, let me take a sigh as I congratulate Miss Yeanor Kabia on winning the elections. Congratulations: I wish all the best for those elected! We have high hopes for you to deliver on your campaign platforms in the most constructive way as you join the bandwagon.

Although I might be disappointed with the outcome, I want to commit to continue my unflinching support to colleagues in this revered profession and by extension the Sierra Leone Reporters Union, as we fight for the ideals and principles that will make this union stronger.

Indeed life has a way of reminding you of big things through small incidents. The campaign reminded me that there is nothing more rewarding than being involved in the political process. I will never forget my experience during my visit to media houses and the constructive interactions we held; all geared towards the furtherance of SLRU. 

Although I lost, I am equally grateful for the opportunity to have given it a good try; to my campaign Managers, I must say you are the best! We shall continue this movement. To the rest of my team; you have demonstrated your brilliance. This whole chapter has reinforced my belief that all of us, as busy as our lives are, need to make time for greater causes.

To conclude, let me congratulate SLAJEC and by extension the leadership of SLAJ for a job well done.

I must say the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God continue to bless the Sierra Leone Reporters Union. Long live Press Freedom…

This is a clear meaning of leadership; the loser believes in another chance of bouncing back while the winner is thinking about the task ahead.

In a nutshell leadership is not by self-imposed or trying to twist people to favor you. Democracy, literally, rule by the people. It is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state/organization, typically through elected representatives.

TRACE hope other institutions and the state can follow such good example. Congratulation Yeanor Kabia and team.

TRACE Joenal is a regular column brought to you by Ibrahim Joenal Sesay, Copy Editor of SALONE TIMES NEWSPAPER, Bes Investigative and Human Right Reporting SLAJ awards winner and Advocate for Change in Sierra Leone. You can follow him on,Twitter & Facebook @tracejoenal  or E-Mail

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