Ing. Andrew K Keili

By Andrew Keili

Thanks to the APC MP who gave a brilliant speech at the recent Parliamentary confirmation of yours truly as the new Chairman of the EDSA Board and several notable Sierra Leoneans to other positions. He referred to me, in offering advice on my new role in a rather tongue in cheek manner as “Mr. Plunder my thoughts”. I was glad though that he, like several others is an avid reader of the column. Since my appointment to EDSA by the President, whose consideration I greatly appreciate, I have been asked the same question about the Ponder my thoughts column- “Will you still continue pondering your thoughts?”. I sense that many of those who have raised the question insinuate that because I have been given an appointment by this government, I would not have the temerity of writing anything critical of government. I have refrained from responding and just laugh things off. However, anyone thinking I would stop writing either does not know me well or does not understand the purport of Ponder my thoughts, which I have been writing regularly for well over ten years.

In thinking about how best to convey to readers why I feel obliged to continue writing the column, I will make liberal references to some very respected people who have either reviewed one of my three anthologies on Ponder my thoughts or written the foreword to one of the books. These will undoubtedly give a better insight into the raison d’etre for the column than I would.

Here we go.

“In this first volume of “Ponder My Thoughts”, Keili affirms why many consider him a Renaissance Man-engineer, public policy wonk, politician and lay preacher. With wit and lucidity, he illuminates the challenges of life and polity in our Sierra Leone. This is a delightfully engaging read!”

Samuel Zoker, CEO, Western Africa Offgrid

Apart from being an engineer, Andrew is a politician, and a prominent member of the main opposition party with an eye on the presidency of the country, and so one would have thought that his writing would be overtly or covertly political in nature, but this is not the case……….Andrew’s Ponder My Thoughts is a commentary on current socio-political events in Sierra Leone, but it not only has a timeless quality, it also has a universal appeal because the themes he deals with are not unique to Sierra Leone……….Each week, Andrew selects his topics carefully, obviously with due consideration to currency, national importance and social relevance.  As a result he is able to catch the attention of the reading public, many of whom have come to respect his views, not only because of their insightfulness, but also because they are expressed with such flair………..His criticism is also transparently constructive and draws from his wide-ranging experience in both the private and public sectors, experience which he copiously references in his writing……..I have so come to value his thoughts every week that I almost wish he loses interest in the flagbearership of his political party so I can look forward to reading Ponder My Thoughts in Premier News for a long time to come.”

Julius Spencer, Managing Director Premier Media Group (Proprietor of Premier News newspaper)

This book “Ponder my Thoughts” is a welcome toolbox at the disposal of National and International Organisations as well as Governments involved in post conflict nation building.  It is especially commendable because it does not provide one-size-fits-all solutions to what are highly political and sensitive processes each with their own unique challenges and opportunities……………. “Ponder my Thoughts”, a collection of weekly thoughts is an important and welcome tool for International actors and National actors alike: it will enrich a learning process as we seek to improve our efforts to secure peace and transform communities.

E.K. Cowan, Ombudsman of Sierra Leone

An Engineer by profession, he writes like someone who had English as his major at university. So I enjoy reading every edition of his Ponder My Thoughts and each week I eagerly forward to reading another of those articles………. But that is not all. Each of those weekly articles of Ponder My Thought that I have read has made me laugh because there is always that characteristic humour of the author, even when he is dealing with very serious and complex issues like politics, corruption, socio-cultural issues (like “Suffer Posh!”), and the ongoing economic crisis and its impact on the lives of many Sierra Leoneans. He would make his reader laugh without trivializing of the issue under discussion………. The third point is the rich diversity of the anthology. Mr Keili discusses so many topics relevant to our times, but treats each of one of them with the importance it deserves, and always with a bit of humour.

Most Rev. Edward Tamba Charles, Archbishop of Freetown. September 2018

Andrew Keili’s writings play a unique and important role in the political and social landscape of Sierra Leone. And so does the man himself……………. Ironically written by an active and long-standing politician, these articles stood out as being neutral, balanced and fair. Despite being an active member of the then-opposition party, the Sierra Leone People’s Party, Andrew would give the government of the day, the All People’s Congress, credit where it was due, and indeed criticise his own party when he felt it was justified………Not only that but the articles would be backed up by the latest research and statistics. Andrew functioned, in many ways, like a one-man think tank……………Andrew’s compassion and his love and hope for Sierra Leone shines through the text. One example is the eulogy he writes for the fallen Ebola workers – whose sacrifice for their fellow Sierra Leoneans he also views as a positive force for the future. This is where I move to talking about the uniqueness of the man as well as the writing…………….. In my view this book is a must-read for Sierra Leoneans, as well as for non-Sierra Leoneans living and working in the country. 

Sinead Walsh, European Union Ambassador to South Sudan

I could not have framed things better. But please allow me to elaborate on a few things. Firstly, I do not like castigating individuals with ad hominem attacks in my pondering but instead dwell on issues. Secondly, I am the first to realise I am not always right. My writings are nevertheless done in good faith. I have taken positions on sensitive issues that have incurred the wrath of some who have threatened to hang me by a nameless part of the anatomy! Overall, however I am pleased that I try to do my own little bit to get people thinking about many critical issues. Will I be more circumspect about writing on an issue on which information is obtained from a priviledged and confidential position? – Of course I will. I will however not short-change my readership in future ponderings.

One of my biggest fans has been a young girl in my area who stumbled on my book in the supermarket- She remarked-“Oh Mr. Keili, ar see you buk. U bin hold you chin pan di cover picture lek say you day wondering. Na im a say, no wonder den call di book “Wonder my thoughts”.

One enthusiastic supporter of President Bio, who has accused me of sometimes criticising the President does not even realise the extent of the praise I have heaped on him. In my article “Leone Stars Success-President Bio found his keys”, I even praised him at the expense of his predecessors thus:

“But what is this thing about Sierra Leone Presidents and football? President Kabbah did not seem like a sports fan and there was general talk that every time he graced an international match played by Sierra Leone, our team lost. When this became known, grumbling voices in the stadium could be heard saying- “Dis Pa don cam again for gi we bad luck”. President Koroma, a keen Arsenal fan was dubbed “World Best” by his supporters. President Bio, I believe supports Manchester United and there is talk that anytime he puts on his Man U vest, they end up losing. It is however with Sierra Leone that he appears to strike it lucky- he has the key! No wonder Paopas, revelling in his success have been referring to President Bio as the “Real Messi” and President Koroma as “Fake Messi””.

The best excuse I have to continue pondering can be found in the Charles Wesley hymn of commitment- “A charge to keep I have”. The second verse in which I replace “master” with “country” says:

To serve the present age

My calling to fulfil

O may it all my powers engage

To do my Country’s will

And so I would pray that I would not betray my trust and will continue pressing to realms on high. So, stay tuned and please don’t plunder my thoughts! Ponder my thoughts, instead.

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