Ministry of Information and Communication

By Sahr Ibrahim Komba

FREETOWN, July 14 (SALONE TIMES) – In a press conference dated 21ST   June 2022, the Director of Universal Access Development Fund Madam Marie Momoh informed the press that UADF is working with mobile Network Operators to provide digital connectivity to rural community.  ‘’The UADF’s mandate is to provide connectivity in rural areas of the country where mobile operators do reach because of non-economic viability’’ she said.

The UADF was established by the communication Act of 2006 and the Telecommunication Commission Amendment Act of 2009 to promote universal service and access to information and telecommunication service to all Sierra Leoneans particularly those living in the rural communities. UADF was a subset of National Telecommunication commission. It was removed from NATCOM in 2018 and is now semi-autonomous body. It has been going through administrative or structuring reform and it now ready to implement its mandates as an institution. UADF is the body charged with the responsibility to work with mobile network providers and others partners to take communication to the most demoted areas in Sierra Leone.

According Madam Momoh, President Bio needs a digital informed society and UADF is working to achieve that goal. ‘’We need to have available equipment like computers, internet, laptop, smart phones in order to make it works’’ she said. She further said that UADF has been dormant for the past because there were no proper administrative structures in place to take connectivity to the rural communities. She added that the minister of information helped put in place place regulations that warranted the MNO to get 0.75% from their yearly gross return into the fund and that has capacitated the UADF although it not enough. She added that they will give smart phones, computers to rural communities when there are enough funds.

 The UADF will expand it infrastructure and activities to other areas in the country.’’ Everybody should access connectivity regards where he or she lives in the country’’ she added. According to the director they have identify grey areas in implementing the project and they have done a benchmark study after their return from Ghana and Liberia and have identify areas p in Bonth district, Kailahun District and kono District. She added that they will soon role out in others areas when the solution is qualified by experts. She concluded that UADF will work with stakeholders especially mobile network operator in Western area unban where there are problems with connectivity in eliminating the imbalance that exist in the digital world.  Madam revealed that the National Telecommunication is under review in order strengthen regulations and to protect network users and Mobile Network Operators.

‘’We will ensure that everyone in Sierra Leone get connected to the internet’’ she said. She added that in the next five years the country will get 80 to 90% mobile network penetration in the country and may be 50% internet connectivity in order to catch up with other countries. She said that they believe that the solution will work because it is working in other countries like Ghana Liberia and Uganda and Sierra Leone is no exception.        

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