Cycling Parts And Energy Nutrition packages was donated to the Cycling Clubs


By Allieu Bockarie 

In preparation for this year’s Lunsa tour, the CEO of the tour Abdul Karim Kamara (Stylish) last Wednesday 1st March 2023 donated cycling parts to the local base clubs in Sierra Leone. Among the donated items were inner tubes, tires and energy substance for the riders.

He explained that the donation is to motivate the riders and to let them prepare fully for the upcoming Lusar Tour that will take place in Sierra Leone next month.

In all, he donated to 12 clubs nationwide who will be competing with cyclist from other countries. He went on that the SIS Nutrition products was provided by the SIS energy nutrition manufacturers who are one of the sponsors of the tour.

The tour, he said will start on the 26th –30th April 2023. The first stage of the race is for junior riders who will start from Lunsar to Gbere junction and end in Lunsar.

The first stage for the senior race for the elite and the international riders will start at the Lungi international Airport to Lunsar with two lapses. The second stage will start from Lunsar to Misiaka with 16 lapses. The third stage will start from Lunsar, onto Makeni and back to Lunsar with laps.

The CEO said they have various prizes for different points in the race. He went on that the Lunsar tour is a yearly event and that they are calling on business houses and individuals to come on board and sponsor the event with whatever little they have. Stylish outlined that riders will be coming from Nigeria, Germany, Holland, Gambia, Ghana and USA.

The above international riders, he said have all shown their consent and willingness to take part in this year’s race. Approximately, he said this year they are expecting over 200 cyclists both local and international cyclists for the tour. At the end of the tour, they will also create opportunities for the best local riders to take part in international tours if the funds are available.

Apart from the SIS manufacturers, he said Marampa Mining is also one of the sponsors for the tour for this year. He called on the government to also come on board as the tour he said will help to sell out tourism in Sierra Leone.           

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