Ambassador Sadat Khalil Amiri IRI Ambassador to Sierra Leone


Below is the speech of the Honorable Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the occasion of 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution Victory.

These days forty-four years ago, one of the most popular revolutions of the 20th century became victorious. This revolution succeeded in removing an autocratic from Iran’s political scene with the popular support and presence in the social and political arenas and under the leadership of late Imam Khomeini, introducing a system based on religious democracy to the Iranian society. For more than four decades, Iranians have played an instrumental role in determining their political-social destiny through democratic mechanisms.

Iran boasts one of the oldest human civilizations in history with a progressive governance system. In the past four decades the imposed war and sanctions and maximum pressure campaign and in the latest example waging a hybrid war, the people and government of Iran have registered many scientific, economic and technological achievements. These achievements have been showcased in the field of self-sufficiency of agricultural products, industrial products, nanotechnology, peaceful nuclear energy, etc. The statistics and figures published by reputable international institutions indicate the all-round progress and development of Iran, especially in the fields of science and technology.

The arrival of the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution presents us with a good opportunity to review the achievements of this important historical event in various fields. The more we move away from February 1979, the more important it becomes to examine the achievements of the Islamic Revolution and the importance of expressing its advances in all areas. Apart from gaining political independence and freedom, raising people’s awareness and political participation, and going through eight years of holy defense, we have also scaled peaks in various other fields, which most of all express revolutionary thinking. The youth of Islamic Iran have been able to turn the threat into an opportunity despite four decades of sanctions, so that Iran stands at the top of the world in many fields of science and technology.

According to UNESCO statistics, the speed of scientific achievements in Iran is 11 times that of the world and ranks first in the scientific progress in the world. It has been two decades since the scientific renaissance began in Iran and it has progressed at a speed that was surprising to world observers (that is, eleven times the average growth rate of science in the world). The achievements of our knowledge and technology during this period elevated us to the 16th rank among more than two hundred countries and to the first ranks in the world in some sensitive and emerging fields, all of which happened while the country was under financial and scientific sanctions. We have set great records despite the increasing and all-encompassing Western sanctions and obstructions.

At present, Iranian women actively and freely play roles in various political, social, scientific, sports, artistic, etc. fields while keeping their hijab. Currently, 55% of students, 40% of doctors and 33% of faculty members in Iranian universities (21,000 female faculty members teach in universities) are women. There are 16 female representatives in the parliament and a significant number of women are active in the city and village councils. Currently, three female ambassadors are working in Finland, Denmark and Brunei Darussalam. In the field of sports, female athletes have become very active and have won 3302 medals in international sports events. In the field of art, Iranian women filmmakers have won 114 national and 128 international awards.

Only 2 years after the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world, Iran managed to achieve the technology of medicines for Covid-19 patients in a short period of time, and relying on the capabilities of young scientists, it built hospital protective equipment and ventilators for patients. To the surprise of the world, Iran became one of the top 10 countries in the world in developing Covid-19 vaccine and managed to contain the pandemic thanks to widespread national vaccination roll-out. From this point of view, it should be noted that Iran ranks seventh in manufacturing of pharmaceuticals in the world.

For many years, the unique role and position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the world as the most successful country at the front line of the fight against narcotics has been confirmed and acknowledged by international organizations. Despite its proximity to the main source of drug production in the world i.e. Afghanistan and as the closest route to Europe, which serves as the main market and the final destination of traffickers, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been able to discover over 12 thousand tons of different drugs in three decades. However, this has not been free of costs. Iran has so far has had more than 3,800 martyrs and 12,000 invalids and spends an annual cost of one billion dollars to control the borders in the east and west of the country and combat traffickers.

Iran is considered a regional power in defense of its territory. In the field of ultra-advanced space technology, with the successful launch of the Iranian “Simorgh” satellite into infinite space, Iran has reached the position of the eighth best country in the world in this field. Of course, it should be noted that the most important progress of the country, which has brought security in the troubled Middle East, is the military advances, and it must be said that we have reached self-sufficiency in many areas. It is from the credibility and influence of the likes of Soleimani and Fakhrizadeh that the American magazine “American Interest” announced Iran is the seventh power in the world in terms of defense, missile and influence in other countries, the thirteenth military power and the tenth missile power.

Now, Iran is more powerful than before and is among the top 15 countries in the world which proves that the Islamic revolution has been effective in these years. This year, the revolution turns 44 years old; a revolution that gave all these achievements to a nation in the shadow of self-belief, self-confidence and revolutionary courage.

Informed by the principles and values ​​of the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic placed the support of the oppressed nations and cooperation with the countries that were suffering due to the lack of facilities despite having rich resources at the forefront of its foreign policy. By sending Reconstruction Jihad and Red Crescent contingents as well as the establishment of offices to help agriculture and health services, especially in Africa, the Islamic Republic of Iran tried to do what it could to revive the less developed societies in Africa. The Islamic Republic of Iran has continuously been a herald and defender of peace and justice, rationality, independence and rejection of discrimination, aggression, intervention and foreign domination in the international arena. Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran has stood by the oppressed of the world since the beginning; whether these oppressed people are in the occupied territories of Palestine or under any other oppressive rule.

The real base of support of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy is the people of Iran. Iranians are proud that in the past 44 years, whenever there is dialogue based on mutual respect and honorable agreement, they have always respected the agreements and are fully committed to all their requirements.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has played a unique role in ensuring the stability and security of the region and the world and has always been at the forefront of fighting against the sinister phenomena of terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking, and of course it has paid a heavy spiritual and material price in this way.

We pay tribute to the national and transnational champion of the struggle against terrorism and extremism, the martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in this way to ensure peace and security in the region and the world, for a life with peace and comfort for people who do not even know them.

In line with the preservation of the original values ​​of the Islamic Revolution and serving the best interests of the great nation of Iran and through adopting transformational programs and balanced foreign policy, dynamic diplomacy and smart engagements, Dr. Raisi’s government has prioritized the expansion of foreign relations with the Asian as also friendly and interactive countries, especially its neighbors. At the same time, the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to have balanced and good relations with countries in other regions, including Africa in general, and Sierra Leone in particular, in the field of education, agriculture and technical and vocational training among other things, to help in the growth and development of human resources. Opening the Red Crescent Clinic from a long time ago and providing health services and commissioning a nursing school in order to improve the status of health in the brotherly and friendly country of Sierra Leone are to examples of such an approach. In the end, it should be mentioned that the Islamic Republic of Iran is fully prepared to utilize its capacities in various scientific, educational and technical-vocational fields in order to help the government and people of Sierra Leone.

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