Chamber of Sierra Leone Parliament

By Josephine W. Lagowo

FREETOWN, Oct. 28 (SALONE TIMES) – Hon Daniel B. Koroma Member of Parliament for Constituency 046 Koinadugu district has warned the presidential nominees for the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion that they should not be answerable to the superior but they should not make sure that the right thing is being done in the commission. Hon Koroma made this statement on October 21st 2021 at the Well of Parliament while approving eight nominees for the Independent commission for Peace and National Cohesion, one for the National Disaster Management and other for National Small Arms Commission.

Hon Koroma pointed out that when the bill was taken to parliament for the enactment of the commission, he questioned the objectivity of the Commission if the Minister and Chief Minister are included in the parent act. If they are included, he said then they were going to be answerable to minister and Chief Minister. He called on the nominees to strive to bring peace and sanity to the country.

In his submission, Hon Hassan A. Sesay said parliament was approving the nominees for the peace commission at a time when peace itself was at stake. He mentioned Members of Parliament who were removed unlawfully from Parliament, the Pademba Road Massacre and other issues that have occured and grievances which needed to be addressed. Hon Sesay stated that as he speaks there are certain issue which then commission needed to address like that at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation where ten people from one region have been promoted as Permanent Secretaries.

The Opposition Whip pointed out that the Chairman of the commission has served the civil service for a long time he should maintain that there should be National Cohesion in the commission. He noted that they were going to serve Sierra Leonean not political parties, he advised the nominees to address the issues that have divided the country. He drew attention to the recent happenings at NEC where the conduct the election at Koinadugu district needed to be looked at.

Hon Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella on his part said the commission should not be run like a political party but if Chairman bridges the gap in what he called a divided nation it will be their success. Therefore, he said they have big role to play in that cohesion.

 Hon PC Bai Kurr Sanka Kanagbaro 111 of Tonkolili district in his contribution said it is always right to do the right thing. He advised the Chairman and Board members to be fearless and honest when doing things because they are qualified for the job but failing to do the right thing is corruption. He said that he does not want to run to at Guinea again for rescue. The Presidential nominees that have been approved are Sheka Mansaray Chairman Independent Commission for peace and National Cohesion, Valnora Anita Christiana Edwin Board Member Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion, Alhaji Suliaman Bah Board Member, Hon PC Sheku Amadu Sosiama Fasuluku 111 Board Member, Rev Mrs Olivia Isata Funneh Board Member, Ambassador Alari Cole Board Member, John Akmed Turay Board Member, Rev Dr. Sulidage Johnson, Board Member Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion, John Vandy Rogers Deputy Director General National Disaster Management Agency and Rtd Col. Kondeh Binneh Conteh Deputy Commissioner on Small Arms Commission.

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