APOHM team addressing St. Anthony Infant
APOHM team addressing St. Anthony Infant

November 12, 2020 (232News)

FREETOWN – A Place Of Hope Ministries (APOHM) USA-Sierra Leone, as a way of bringing hope, strength and courage rising to greater good embark on its Jesus Cares Campaign with a massive feeding program for hundreds of children targeted St. Anthony Infant School.

The feeding campaign which took place yesterday 11th November at the school grounds, attracted the school alumina that showcased their renovation work.

APOHM Secretary General, Marion Mboyo read a message sent by the founder of APOHM Sister Henrietta Jones who is based in the United State of America.

She said APOHM was born out of the need to reach out to their fellow citizens to provide nutritious meals to children during the Pandemic. 

She continued to say APOHM is a nonprofit organisation that provides weekly nutritious meals to children and baby food to infants aged 6 to12 months in underprivileged communities to help with their developmental growth and eradicate hunger. 

She disclosed that APOHM also provides scholarships to school age children in Freetown. Currently, APOHM has provided over 13000 meals, baby food and lunch to kids and infants since September of 2019 in 22 locations in Freetown, adding that APOHM continues to feed their children and infants weekly, and is currently reaching out to other locations in Freetown.

Marion Mboyo expressed Sister Henrietta Jonesplans to extend the gesture into other regions are in the works and they are dedicated to continuing to providing  meals to their children who are their future Teachers, Lawyers, President, Judges, Politicians,  Secretaries, Bank personnels, Mothers, Fathers, Doctors, Engineers, Mayors , Counselor, and so on.

pupils displaying the donated food

APOHM Supervisor, UnisaKargbo and team interacted with the kids and shared jokes with them.

He described their work as a way of reaching out to the needy. He said there is need for one to give hope and encourage the future generation of better days.

The children were excited to converge in such way after a very long time due to the government restriction.

Head teacher of St. Anthony Infant School Esther Christian Stephens thanked A Place Of Hope Ministries (APOHM) for their support and prayed for more provision and protection to her and her team.

By 232News

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