By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

September 05, 2020, (SALONE TIMES)

FREETOWN – The Chinese Embassy in Freetown on Thursday 20th August 2020 organized a symposium at the Bintumani Hotel that looked at China’s Development and Foreign Policy where Ambassador Hu spelt out the giant strides taken by China over the years.

The symposium which attracted government ministers, diplomats, non-governmental organization, the media and friends of China was chaired by WANG Xinmin, Political Counselor, Chinese Embassy and Joe Conteh, Chairman of Sierra Leone-China Friendship Society.

Ambassador Hu Zhangliang said among other things that he believed their Sierra Leone friends have their own fair judgment on what kind of country China is, what kind of party the Communist Party of China is and what kind of foreign policy China pursues. He also took the opportunity to share his own observations.

He explained that China is a country boasting a long history of nearly 5,000 years with splendid civilization. The ancient Chinese created miracles such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors. The “Four Inventions” of ancient China, namely the gunpowder, compass, papermaking and printing had profoundly changed the world. The various schools of thoughts founded by ancient Chinese philosophers and scholars are still shining today.

He added that according to some historian economists at Oxford University, China’s GDP had been the largest in the world for a large part of human history and in 1800 accounted for 32.9% of the world’s total.

He said China pursues a foreign policy that values relations with developing countries especially African countries. Solidarity and cooperation with African countries is an important basis of China’s foreign policy and a long-term and firm strategic choice of China.

Ambassador Hu went on to say at the time when African countries were struggling for national independence and liberation, China always took the lead in providing timely moral and material support and swiftly recognizing newly independent African countries. “African countries gave strong support to help restore China’s legitimate seat in the United Nations. For more than half a century, China and Africa have always been together through thick and thin, the mutual-beneficial and win-win cooperation between China and Africa have deepened, and the two sides have formed a close community with a shared future.”

Ambassador Hu pointed out that since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and African countries have been supporting each other firmly. The important proposals put forward by H.E. President Xi Jinping at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19 were warmly received by African countries. China has provided a large amount of anti-epidemic medical supplies assistance to African countries. Resident Chinese medical teams based in 45 African countries have taken an active part in the local fighting against the pandemic. Furthermore, China has sent a total of 148 medical workers to 11 African countries.

On the Sierra Leone context, the Chinese side has provided 7 batches of medical supply donation to Sierra Leone, including more than 17,000 PPEs, 300,000 face masks, 32,000 testing kits, and a considerable amount of medical goggles, gloves, shoe covers, thermometer guns and ventilators among others. The 3 Chinese medical expert teams have been working day and night on the frontline with their Sierra Leonean colleagues.

The Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone he further stated has been providing support to various groups in Sierra Leone to the best of its capability.

“The major cooperation projects between China and Sierra Leone are proceeding on smoothly to support the latter’s socio-economic development.”

Sierra Leone Minister of Information and Communication Mohamed Swaray noted that the Chinese government always attached great importance to Africa as it has always been an important component of China’s independent foreign policy of peace to develop and strengthen the friendly relations and cooperation with the developing countries, including Sierra Leone.

He noted that China and Africa will remain each other’s best friends, reliable partners and good brothers.

He pointed out that the vision of China’s – Africa policy highlights five basic principles which includes:  building China – Africa community with a shard future is the ultimate goal of development of China- Africa relations, the five connectivity and eight major initiatives which are specific approaches to China- Africa cooperation, building comprehensive strategic and cooperation partnership is the basic approach to the development of China-Africa relations among others.

Swarary said that under the ‘’belt and road’’ initiative through the south-south cooperation, he must categorically state that Sierra Leone is a beneficiary to several development programmes from China including human capacity development, infrastructure, trade and industry, health, fishery harbour project and technology development to name but a few.

He added the Sierra Leone has always been firmly adhering to one china policy and consistently giving her support on issues related to china’s core interests and major concerns. The Chinese people will never forget that it was Sierra Leone and other friendly countries that helped china resumes her legitimate seat in the United Nations in 1971. 

“China and Sierra Leone are true good friends who can go through thick and thin together.” He said.

Sierra Leone Deputy Minister of Justices Umaru Napoleon Koroma said there is no gainsaying that China has been powered in 1949. The party’s ideological pivots of democratic centralism and the strive for what works for their people has transformed that country from a poor rural society in 1949 to one of the global super power by the turn of the last century.

He explained that China has produced billionaires whose impact in global economic transaction is invaluable and immeasurable.

He added that today China can boast of producing millionaires every year and billionaires every decades as a result of prudent economic policies and programs crafted by their leaders over the years, titled often on what works especially in their production levels and scientific innovation.

Koroma said under the present leadership of president Xi Jinpin, the story is even sweeter and better. The belts and roads initiative, FOCAC and others have earned China a special place in world politics and he must conclude by saying the CPC of China is model political party that is worthy of emulation in so far as ting the development agenda of any country fighting to emancipate itself from the grips of poverty and underdevelopment.

Other speakers including Sierra Leone Deputy Minister of Foreign Affair and International Cooperation, Solomon Jamiru, Turad Senesie Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education and Hon. Segepoh Thomas Deputy Speaker of Parliament, AbuBakerr Bargbo of Standard Times and Austin Thomas of Awoko newspaper among others.  

The event climaxed with a group photo which was led by Ambassador Hu Zhangliang and Sierra Leone Minister of Information and Communication.

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