Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

FREETOWN, July 13 ( – Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on July 7, 2022 met with High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell Fontelles, on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, and voiced China’s support for EU upholding of the concept of strategic autonomy.

On the Ukraine issue, Wang said China’s proposals have clearly expounded its positions on the Ukraine crisis, which would serve as a key guide for securing lasting peace and security.

He stressed parties concerned should seriously reflect on the root causes of the conflict, address the legitimate concerns of all parties and fundamentally eliminate the hidden danger of war.

All the efforts China has made so far have been aimed at facilitating dialogue for peace, Wang told Borrell, adding China will continue to uphold an objective and impartial position and play a constructive role.

The Chinese foreign minister called on the EU to play a more proactive role of coordination and putting forward realistic and feasible proposals.

For his part, Borrell said the EU is deeply concerned about the adverse impact of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict and hopes China will play an important role in achieving peace.

Noting China and the EU are two important forces in the multi-polar world, Wang said the two sides should adhere to the basic orientation of their comprehensive strategic partnership and maintain the positive momentum of dialogue and communication.

In the face of serious and complex challenges, China and the EU should seek common ground while reserving differences and find common ground to resolve differences, the Chinese foreign minister said.

Both sides should adhere to mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation, uphold true multilateralism and oppose any acts that trumpet decoupling and violate the law of the economy, Wang said.

He added China and the EU should also reject zero-sum games and oppose any attempts to incite block confrontation and provoke a “new Cold War.”

Wang said China is willing to work with the European side to maintain the international system underpinned by the United Nations and basic norms governing international relations anchored upon international law.

The EU adheres to strategic autonomy and always maintains that the common interests between the EU and China far outweigh the differences, Borrell stressed.

He noted the EU is willing to pursue the one-China policy and conduct more strategic coordination and cooperation with China.

By 232News

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