H.E. HU Zhangliang, Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu among others

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay in Freetown


His Excellency, HU Zhangliang, Chinese Ambassador to the Republic of Sierra Leone has on Friday 23rd September 2022 bade farewell to the Speaker of the Sierra Leone Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu in his Chambers at Tower Hill, Parliament Building, Freetown. The purpose of the Ambassador’s visit to the Speaker of Parliament was also to explore further the strengthening of the bilateral relations that exists between the two countries and in particular between China and the Parliament of Sierra Leone.
The Chinese Ambassador went on to acknowledge with deep appreciation the tremendous support that China had received from the Parliament of Sierra Leone especially at the inception of the Covid-19 pandemic when certain countries attempted to erroneously attribute to China as the source of the pandemic. China will never forget how stoutly the Parliament of Sierra Leone passed a unanimous resolution in solidarity with the Government and people of China. The Parliament had also never wavered in expressing its support of the “One-China Policy”, and for this the Chinese Government and people are most grateful not forgetting also the warm hospitality he had enjoyed as a diplomat from the people’s republic of of Sierra Leone during his tour of duty. “For more than three years I have been in Sierra Leone I have never failed in my mission and for this my Government is fully satisfied with my work”, he said.
H.E. Ambassador HU Zhangliang said although he is now leaving  Sierra Leone for another assignment, the incoming Ambassador will follow-up on all projects that remain to be implemented by the Chinese Embassy for the people of Sierra Leone that will continue to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries, and reiterated that China will always remain a sincere friend to the people of Sierra Leone.
Responding, the Speaker of Sierra Leone Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu appreciated the work of the Ambassador and the support of the Chinese Government to the people of Sierra Leone. He underscored the good relationship that existed between the Ambassador and the people of Sierra Leone by saying “If it were within my powers, I will not let you go, you have been a treasured friend of Sierra Leone throughout your stay in our country and I extend our sincere best wishes to you on your next assignment”, the Speaker emphasized.
Mr. Speaker applauded the tremendous support received by the Parliament of Sierra Leone from China particularly in the areas of capacity building and infrastructural development, and noted that China has been a reliable, trusted and dependable friend to the Republic of Sierra Leone.
Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu reminded the Ambassador of a promise made by the previous Chinese Ambassador which related to the construction of a two hundred (200) office space building for Hon. Members and Staff of Parliament, provided the project was accorded the necessary priority by the Government of Sierra Leone and called on the outgoing Ambassador to inform the incoming Ambassador to help actualize this important project for enhancing and facilitating the capacity and delivery performance of Parliament. The Speaker said that temporarily in order to ameliorate the pressure of office accommodation Parliament had proposed to obtain container offices for the staff of Parliament, and for this he was requesting assistance and support from the Chinese Embassy, whilst underscoring the necessity for a modern office building in the near future to cater for the need for office space for Hon. Members and Staff of Parliament.
Reacting to this request from the Speaker of Parliament, the Chinese Ambassador noted that the Government of China was committed to supporting the Parliament and the people of Sierra Leone. He said the request will be communicated to the incoming Ambassador for action to be taken. He reiterated that China will always stand tall in helping the development of nations around the world.
The Ambassador said for the past years, China had supported Sierra Leone with over 45 projects around the country and will continue to do so. He noted that China has provided more support to Sierra Leone than any other nation.
The Ambassador used the occasion to explain to the Speaker of Sierra Leone Parliament the incredible strides undertaken by China to support development of least developed countries around the world.
Concluding, the Ambassador said, he was confident in the people of Sierra Leone and promised more assistance to the country.
Exchange of gifts between both parties climaxed the farewell visit by the outgoing Chinese Ambassador to the Hon. Speaker of Parliament.
The Chinese Ambassador was accompanied by Zhang Yungui from the Political Department of the Chinese Embassy, whilst in attendance with the Speaker was the Clerk of Parliament, Hon. Paran Umar Tarawally and his Deputy, Mr. Mohamed Lebbie.

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