President of SLAJ, Africell MD and Chairman Guild of Editors

By Sahr Ibrahim Komba


The Guild of Newspaper Editors – Sierra Leone (GoNE-SL) last Wednesday 11 January presented an award to the Managing Director of Mercury International, Martin Michael, in recognition of his company’s “outstanding commitment and support to the growth and development of the Print Media in Sierra Leone.”

A simillar gesture was made to Africell Mobile Company this past Friday 13 January at Africell Headquarters in Freetown while the presentation to Mercury took place at Mercury’s headquarters at Kroo Town Road, Freetown.

Accompanying the Guild was the President of SLAJ, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla, who is also a member of the GoNE. 

In his brief remarks, Nasralla acknowledged Mercury’s significant contributions to the media as a whole over the last ten years. He said the company is not just an economic pillar but also a viable partner, referencing Mercury’s commitment to the Journalism Welfare Fund. 

Head of Mercury displaying the award while staff and Guild members looks on

In his brief remarks, Chairman of the Guild, Donald Theo-Harding recalled Mercury’s support to the media during the Ebola epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

He said: “Mercury has been very supportive to the Print media all through thick and thin…during Ebola, and throughout the COVID pandemic.”

He thanked Martin Michael for his support, and prayed for the sustainability of Mercury’s partnership with the Print media. 

Receiving the award, Martin Michael noted that It is not very usual for people to come and say thank you, which is why he “appreciates this award more than anything else.” 

“This is greatly appreciated,” he said. 

Furthermore, Michael says he remains true to his commitment to the Journalism Welfare Fund, and the same would be fulfilled. 

He said: “We owe a commitment to the Journalism Welfare Fund and we shall, by all means, fulfil it.”

He further stated that they had wanted to increase budgetary support to the media at this critical point in time but the deteriorating economic situation in the country would not allow that as even Mercury International is now reeling under the weight of inflationary pressures. 

“The inflationary pressures are harmful to our business, and the continued depreciation of the Leone has a much broader impact on our operations as a company,” he stated. 

Lastly, Martin Michael expressed his heartfelt condolences with the media on the passing away of Philip Neville and Esther Kargbo. He then dedicated the award to all staff and workers of Mercury International Sierra Leone Limited.

The Africell Managing Director Shadi Gerjawi appreciated the award and described the media in Sierra Leone as a reliable partner

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