Adama Sillah sworn in to office

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Aug 16 (SALONE TIMES) – The first female led government in Fourah Bay College (FBC) Student Union just after swearing into office has called for peace to reign among students.

“It is time for healing. Let us put aside all petty grievances and embrace hope. I call on all students of FBC. Let there be peace and let unity reign. We deserve better.”

The colorful inauguration ceremony with the theme “Power of ideas and value” was held at the FBC Multi-Purpose Hall on Wednesday 12th August 2021 and graced by female rights champions, the media, students and well-wishers of the Adama Sillah campaign team.

Adama Sillah who was elected into office on the 14th of June 2021 became the first female Student Union President after she defeated her closest rival Madam Fatmata Binta Jalloh in a well contested battled.

In her acceptance speech, Adama Sillah pointed out that her leadership is universal through that she stood for all the ladies that had contested including Fatmata Binta Jalloh her rival.
She said all have fought and left a legacy by demonstrating that change is always possible.
She stressed that the work ahead is daunting considering the inadequate classroom, the epileptic bus service and the little or no emphasis on research at the University.
“Inadequate water supply to high hostel fees and missing grades are all part of the challenges.”

The colorful inauguration ceremony

The Chairperson of the ceremony, the founder and CEO of Pleasant Children Foundation, Maria Pleasant Kargbo, like all other speakers, expressed delight to witness such historic occasion. She spoke about the male dominance in the SU governance for over 100 years.
Pleasant Kargbo who was the former Minister of Education in the past SU Government said they will not only stop with the presidency campaign in the university but one that will continue at national level.

Madam Hawa Samai in her statement described the event as a unique thing and a beginning of a new chapter in female champions.
She said they were very privileged to see such thing happening in governance. She predicted that stronger girls will come up in future for such positions despite the social media bashing that will follow.

She congratulated Adama Sillah for standing up despite the social media bashing.
She thanked the men for their support and described the relationship with men as partnership that needs each other.

Madam Nemata Majects Walker former 50/50 group President and Founder said she can now die in peace because she has seen such a historic event in FBC. She appealed to the men of FBC to stand side by side with the women, as the women were the future.
She predicted that soon Sierra Leone will have a female President because Adama Sillah has become one.

FBC Deputy Register, Mac Pen noted that the day was a ground breaking and historic one.
He said history has shown that women make very strong and decisive leadership. He cited many women across the world that have played their roles and demonstrated strong leadership.
He also spoke about the role women have played in his life and how he believes Adama can play that good role too.
He congratulated the outgoing president and assured the new President of the university support at all times.
He also admonished students to give their unflinching support to Adama Sillah government as working together will make them achieve greater things.

Narsu Fofana said they were ready to take the mantle of leadership at national level by seeing female become President of Sierra Leone.

“This is not just about Adama Sillah but is about two great women that ran such a contest”.
She pointed out that not everybody was going to like or trust her but she should rule for all, not for the few that were going to tap her.

“Our eyes are going to be on you and support you with our eyes on you. Live with passion, integrity you are going to succeed.”

Abdul Karim Koroma Esq said for 8 years he was active in politics in the university. He reflected the Frances Mark election of which he was the campaign director.

“Adama Sillah has everything to deliver her promise” he said. 

In her key note address IPAM Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Miriam Conteh- Morgan said the good, the bad and the ugly are all part of that day’s historic event.  “Your campaign slogan we move and we conquer must now be buried in your archive because you are now heading the entire student union’.
She also urged her to choose her executive well and not to choose people who cannot deliver.

Augustine Bhonapha the outgone SU President read the transition report and did the presentation of his governance.  

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