The training of the 17 Coxswains at the Naval Training School

By Bampia James Bundu Strategic Communications Unit MIC

FREETOWN, Oct. 3 (232News) –The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has commenced a 10 day training for 17 Coxswains at the Naval Training School, Murray Town in Freetown. 

Giving a background of the training, the Deputy Director of Fisheries at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Mr. Josephus Mamie explained that the essence of the training was for Coxswains from the various regions to serve as Coxswains in the various patrol vessels owned by the government. 

Mr. Mamie revealed that the government through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has secured eight (8) modern outboard patrol boats, two which were donated to the government by the World Bank and the rest bought by the government of President Bio.

The Deputy Director admonished the newly recruited Coxswains to take the 10 days training seriously as at the end if the training they will be certified and be given license to operate as Coxswains in the country. 

The Commander of the Sierra Leone Navy Naval Captain Philip Juana explained that the training is to ensure that the personnel are professional Coxswains and that they are equipped with the requisite knowledge to operate the various boats. 

“The care of these boats lies squarely in your hands and you must ensure that proper maintenance and care is provided at all times,” he said. 

The SARCOM Manager at the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration Mr. Alfred Kefason expressed his appreciation to the Ministry and the Navy for undertaking such a professional training for the personnel and implored them all to be focused and vigilant as the training will help change their lives forever. 

He admitted that his institution does not train Coxswains but they will be providing the license and certification to all of them.  

He appealed to them to take the training seriously as such a training has not been done in the country for the longest time.

Delivering the keynote address the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Mr. Ibrahim Turay admonished the various personnel to be steadfast, vigilant, caring, professional and maintain confidentiality in the dispensation of their duties as Coxswains. 

He noted that His Excellency the President Rdt Brig Julius Maada Bio places premium on the fisheries industry and that the New Direction government is determined to ensure that they revamp the sector as it is a revenue generating sector.  

He noted that most of the Coxswains the Ministry had are now old whiles some are dead. “We have not had such a training for Coxswains in this country for over two decades. It’s only under this dispensation that we are reviving this area,” he said. 

He appealed to them to know that they are now staff of the Ministry and should conduct themselves responsibly and professionally.

By 232News

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