Mohamed Gento Kamara

232news –

By Thomas Dixon   

The Mayoral Candidate for the Freetown Municipality under the ruling Sierra Leone People Party Mohamed Gento Kamara stormed one of the popular slum communities in Freetown, Kroobay.

At Kroobay, Mohamed Gento Kamara observed the Jummah Prayer at Al-muminim Mosque where he told the congregation to ensure that they are peaceful in this election.

He explained his political plans and objectives for the Freetown Community, noting that if elected he will transform Freetown.

He noted that water and sanitation are problems in Freetown and that if voted, he would ensure that there is proper sanitation and water for the people.

He stated that he is coming into the race to ensure that the division in the country along tribal and regional lines becomes a thing of the past, pointing out that he is a unifier and a friend to all devoid of the region, race, religion and ethnicity.

Gento Kamara also inspected the bridge that he is constructing in the Kroobay Community that will link Spain and Finland and also Kroobay and Kingtom Community.

“For a very long time, people in the community have been struggling to move from one end to the other. This bridge will solve that problem, “an elder of the community stated.

Gento assured the community that the bridge will be completed very soon.

By 232News

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