George Moore

By George Moore


Good people must step forward this time for leadership positions otherwise we are doomed for the next five or ten years.

Election is coming again! Another opportunity for opportunist, half-baked, idlers, robbers, murderers, and agents of darkness or the devil to carry out their mission and mandate: to steal, to kill and to destroy – to kill innocent people for power, abuse and steal the nation’s resources, and destroy the nation- its people, resources, reputation & integrity.

It is really shameful to have leaders who are not feeling the burden of service to a point that they can sacrifice their resources and luxury and life for the people they serve. But rather loot the resources of the nation to enrich themselves at the expense of the general good of this nation.

It is a big shame… A big shame for a whole nation…

But why is this happening? Part of it is due to fear, selfishness and peace the good people seek by withdrawing and leaving no choice but the ill-motivated men & women to occupy the seats of leadership.

If the good, godly, competent people take the back seats, what happens? The sycophants and the people who wants to get rich quick will contend for the position and definitely one of them takes the available seat.

And guess what happens? God’s word will be fulfilled: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 KJV

So the only way to prevent the wicked from taking the seats is by letting the good people occupy it. But how can they occupy it if they don’t contend for it. It’s time for the good people to step forward and take the seats in this coming election.

In that regard, I want to encourage all the good people of this country, where ever you are, to step forward this time and deliver this country from the devourer.

When I say good people: is not just “church goers” or “mosque goers”. But those who fear God indeed. Whether or not Anti-corruption catches them. Whether or not they are alone or in public. Whether they are seen or not. People like Daniel in the bible, who would rather be thrown into the lion’s den than bow to anything against God Almighty. People like Joseph, who would rather be thrown into prison than commit fornication/adultery; who would rather forgive his compatriots than use his power to revenge; People like David, who would rather confront the nation’s greatest enemy than seek cover in his profession. People like Abraham who can say: “…and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:” Genesis 14:23 KJV. People like Abraham who can make great sacrifices in obedience to God.

We don’t want people who are seeking convenience, comfort, and easy way out. The country is hard already; we need tough leaders to breakthrough with the people to the zone of milk and honey (softness).

We don’t want ones with beautiful pictures, eloquent speeches and manifestos without any sense of responsibility, integrity and love and result and impact on the ordinary lives.

So, wherever you are, hiding, running away, keeping silent will not create the peace or prosperity you are seeking by withdrawing. Or at least it will not create the peace and prosperity we deserve as a nation. In fact, it will create more unrest, frustration, and shame. So like David who had met God in his secret place, passed the test of integrity and bravery in his secret place, the nation needs you more than ever to confront the Goliaths of this nation and bring them down flat through the backing of the Almighty God.

So it’s high time we began to join the political parties, established the political parties, opt for the positions, rally around the right stakeholders, and do the hard work to win the positions while remaining sensitive and obedience to the direction of God Almighty. I guarantee you, with God by your side and with your perfect obedience to God, your victory is sure and the deliverance of this nation is sure. Just ask David, and Nehemiah. They will tell you.

Quick advice: prayerfully mind your purpose/calling (don’t ignore your passions and abilities and that quiet leading of the Lord in your heart), and move on with faith.

Remember, Jesus said: “…all things are possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23 KJV

With much

love & sacrifice,

courage & integrity,

Cooperation & collaboration

unbreakable determination & tireless work,

Lyoa, let’s build our Serra,

(Lions, let’s build our Mountain,)

Sierra Leone.

By 232News

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