Sierra Leone First Lady Fatima Bio

By Mariatu Tamba

FREETOWN, Jan. 27 ( – The Deputy Commissioner General Dubai Expo Dr. Tony Morgan yesterday at the Sierra Palms conference hall, Lumley beach road held a solution based symposium with Film stakeholders to discuss and make recommendations on how film production can be developed and how Sierra Leone film industry can be commercially viable.

According to Dr. Tony, he said they brought together not only film makers but professionals to brainstorm the best way on how to build the industry and how Sierra Leone can expand for the international market. He said they wanted to commercialize the film industry and change the face of the country’s film production.

Dr. Tony went on to say he wanted the film industry to be self-sustainable and also wanted to change the orientation because with commercialization minds would be opened.

Ambassador Phebean Swill, Producer and Actress said in order to develop the film industry to make money two things are significant to fuel the film industries; quality of content which is solely the part of the producers that match international standard and marketing & distribution opportunities. These two will boost the film industry local & international and create more employment opportunities for people in the sector.

She said every party has their role to play. The filmmakers should identify the casts, equipment and location for the film to be viable. She said in the area of marketing and distribution government needs to help in the distribution of films by creating the right contact and connection at Netflix’s and Amazons pride and also create commercialized account at Youtube and Facebook so that Sierra Leone movies will be sold out in those platforms and that will encourage more investment in the industry. She went on to say if their target audience is international market that will help greatly. She added that online movies can help create enough income.

Phebean said they as female producers face a lot of challenges and appealed to private and public sectors to be made accessible when they wanted to use them to shot their films. She called on banks to be able to give loans to movie producers. She advocated that government should support the entertainment industry.

Making his own contribution, Mr. Beresford Elliot, HOD performing Arts, Milton Margai University said they needed to strengthen the educational sector for quality deliveries. He said they needed to collaborate and consolidate as it is their responsibility to help the industry. He suggested that trainings should be held for filmmakers and producers to educate them on how to produce quality movies that will attract investment.

Sia Comfort Nyukeh while contributing said editors should be professionally trained for quality production as that will be an advantage for Sierra Leonean films to be competitive in the world market that will enhance growth.

Sia applauded AYV/DSTV as a big platform in showcasing Sierra Leone Movies. She said to producing quality movies is not cheap and therefore encouraged government and other meaningful Sierra Leoneans to support the film industry.

Yinka Sho-Cole said there are not many Cinematographers in Sierra Leone. People need to see the good part of movies in this country and embrace it. ‘We need orientation for people to know that it is a business and that we have the entertainment and business side. So we need to build our own film locally’. He encouraged producers to be deliberate about the content we produce.

Mr. Charlie Haffner, Chairman Monument Sierra Leone Commission said all that is needed to develop film industry is education and orientation. Education on every aspect as that will help immensely. He encouraged for more of these sessions as it will help a lot in every sphere.

An estimate to $60,000 was made in setting up a modern movie with two Nigerian actors wherein the filming will be done in Sierra Leone.

He ended by saying that by the recommendations made they were ready to move forward. He thanked and encouraged producers to embrace the film industry.

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