Hon Sandy talking about the road project


By Fatmata BJ. Samura  

(Source- New Age) – On Wednesday 22nd February 2023 Hon. Tennison Hindolo Sandy representing Constituency 120 Moyiba Dubai Pipe Line Communities invited journalists to visit a road development construction he is doing in his constituency, which will lead to Gloucester, Leister and Ferry Junction.

During the site visit, he explained to journalists that the reason he took up the adventure is to relieve his people of their suffering.

That the bad network of the road leads to other serious challenges such as accessing water, light, medical facility among others.

He pointed out that even to take the dead to their resting place is a challenge because of the poor road.

Hon. Tennison continued that because of these challenges his people had to meet him and asked him to help them construct a road for them and that he took their plea very serious because their voices matter to him.

He maintained that the road in question which leads to Gloucester, Leicester and Ferry Junction is a major road as it links the Urban and Rural settings. 

He explained that Gloucester and Leicester which are at the top of the hill and the Moyiba, Dubai Community down the hills are connected by the road. 

He disclosed that at first, they only wanted to make a foot path but now they want it to be accessible to all, moto vehicles and bikes etc should be plying right through Gloucester, Leicester, Immat, Kort Right going round at the PWD axes.

He maintained that he and his communities want to decongest the city so that those who are working in the Eastern part of Freetown will now use the Regent, Gloucester, Leicester Road instead of going round to Model or Grafton.

Chairman for Con 120 Moyiba, Dubai, Pipe line Communities Abdul Sesay who is also the Zonal Chairman for the SLPP said that the road being constructed is very important to their communities as their was no road but just a foot passage.

He noted that movement through Moyiba, Dubai and Pipe line with pregnant women for medical and delivery purposes were very difficult.

He continued that if they are having a road today it is because of kindheartedness of Hon. Tennison Hindolo Sandy, noting that since 2019 he has been supporting them to make sure their communities are improved.

He noted that 90% of the road is being done by Hon. Tennison Hindolo Sandy and that 10% by the communities.

He said that the road will not only be of benefit to them but also to other people, adding that it is going to be the shortest way to Ferry Junction.

Chairlady of Constituency 120 Moyiba, Dubai Pipe Line Communities, Esther Kargbo said they are happy with what Hon. Tennison Hindolo Sandy is doing by constructing a road for them.

Other people in the communities expressed similar sentiments.

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