Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio

By Marilyn King

FREETOWN, Oct. 3 (232News) – The Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) on Monday 13th September 2021 engaged MDAs on their Annual Manpower Hearing 2021 for 2022 FY; this event took place at Civil Service Training College, state Avenue in Freetown.

The Chairman of the event who is also the Director of Cooperate Strategy and Administration of HRMO, Ibrahim Sorie Kamara said that they sat together and planned the process for civil servants to have a Manpower Hearing. He pointed out that the Director General of HRMO is one that is keen in the process which tells people how passionate their DG is.

He furthered that few weeks back their Director General engaged them and prepared them on how to go about this year’s Manpower Hearing and he suggested that they hold a training since they have new crops of HR officers.  He noted that there have been some changes in the force and that HR officers and other officers as well as respective MDAs be familiar with the process. The training he said was actually successful, so they cannot actually go ahead with such program without asking the Director General who is very keen in the process to give his statement.

The Director General of HRMO, Ansu Samuel Tucker, said that Manpower Hearing is an Annual event which is co-opted by the Human Resource Management Office. He maintained that this year’s Manpower Hearing is no exception to the previous consideration to all the changes that have been taking place in the process. He said that the Manpower Hearing is part of the public Financial Management process which is about strengthening payroll management and in proven medium term planning and budgeting of personnel cost.

He continued that the Manpower planning was introduced in order to forecast and meet the Manpower needs of the Civil Service within the available resource envelope.

He stated that HRMO in this annum Manpower Hearings examines the Human Resource Proposals and requirement of MDAs in order to ascertain the actual needs.

He continued that the Manpower costs account for a significant portion of the national Budget.  He furthered that it has been observed in the past that some MDAs still do not take the Manpower process very seriously.     

The Director Performance Management, of HRMO and also the Lead Facilitator of the program Osman Charlie Conteh, said that the Annual Manpower Hearing they will talk about those personnel that have retired or will be retired and those that have died and those that will be promoted. They will present a balance sheet so that the government will get a clear picture of the amount of money that they spent on personnel matters that called 2022 financial Hearing. He ended. 

By 232News

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