Participants during the engagement

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, July 25 ( – The Sierra Leone Labour Congress (SLLC) and its partners ITUC-Africa and FNV over the weekend ended a two-day workshop on ensuring peace and security in a Democratic State and Role of Trade Unions and CSOs.

The workshop which was opened by the Minister of Labour and Social Security Alpha Osman Timbo took place at SLLC Solidarity Hall 35 Wallace Johnson Street, Freetown from the 14th to 15th July, 2022.

In his statement, Sierra Leone Labour Congress Secretary General Max Conteh explained that the engagement is about peace and security in Sierra Leone which he said are key to any development in the country.

He sighted the slogan which says “free poor is better than tight riches” 

According to him, Sierra Leone will soon go into general elections which he described as not tolerant in most cases and it undermine peace and security.

He said they want to see Sierra Leone remains peaceful and secured.

“All of us must be security conscious and for us to promote peace.”

He expressed concerned about some incident such as protests among others that frown at by the authority which is said is not good for democracy.

“This workshop is paving a way for the government to strengthen peace and security in the country.”

National Election Watch (NEW) National Spokesperson, Sallieu Kamara, said they have a role to play as CSOs and they can only play that role if the environment is conducive but from what they are seeing it is not conducive because freedom of association, protest, expression and assembly are important to all.

“We at NEW believed that democracy provides the people with right and power to see their way through.” 

In his keynote address and official opening of the workshop, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Alpha Osman Timbo congratulated the SLLC, ITUC-Africa and FNV for implementing such workshop on the theme ensuring peace and security in a Democratic State and Role of Trade Unions and CSOs.

He went on to say when they talked about democracy is normally a government by the people and for the people.

According to him, they have different forms of democracy but in all these, the fundamental human right and freedom must be recognized, the right to life, freedom of association, express and movement among others.

“In a democratic state, people must have the right to choose those who govern them. The three arms of government we expect them to be separated from each other. They are very important. They are expected to be functional.”

The Labour Minister pointed out that they have more to do as people by examining themselves about the three arms of government.

“The only way is to continue engagement with both government and CSOs. What is expected from government is what Labour Congress have started doing.”

He said during their days, the challenges they faced as trade union leaders cannot be compared to what is happening today from both previous and present government.

“We have an open government now; we have to make sure that we monitor that.

We should stop crying that we are not consulted, Labour Congress have the right to make submission when things did not go according to plan. We have to continue dialoguing. The judiciary is very crucial in promoting peace and democracy in a country.”

Topics such as: promoting democratic good governance: the case of the electoral system in Sierra Leone presented by Abu Bakarr Kargbo, Ph.D, understanding good governance and the electoral system, consequences of a state’s failure to respect human rights, human right- what they are and where are they guaranteed? presented by Ronald Gidwani, Esq were deliberated on by presenters and participants.

The two day was climaxed with a resolution which will be presented to government and other stakeholders.

By 232News

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