President Bio

By Thomas Dixon


Just in the period when there is a global recession due to COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukraine War, the government of President Bio overspent over 1.39 Trillion Leones.

This was revealed in the recent Auditor General Report which is now in the public domain.

According to the Auditors, there is no evidence that can be traced to justify the 1.39 Trillion Leones that was overspent by the government.

“…a comparison between the revised budget and actual expenditure revealed that some ministries, departments, and agencies overspent a total of Le1.39 trillion during 2021, for which no evidence of action plans was submitted to the auditors to justify the amount overspent,” the report revealed.

The report furthered that apart from the fact that documents were not submitted to the Auditor General to trace the overspent money, no quarterly reports were presented to Parliament.

“Budgetary information not communicated to Parliament – Based on information gathered from the IFMIS, transactions totaling Le37.68 billion and Le20.39 billion were posted under the contingencies fund and unallocated head of expenditure, but no evidence of quarterly reports to Parliament was submitted to the auditors. It is also worth noting that these amounts exceeded their budgeted,” the report surmised.

This will be shocking to Sierra Leoneans who voted for President Bio in 2018 when he stated that the then APC government was spending like drunken sailors but this is what the government of the President is doing.

By 232News

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