NMA Boss

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Jan. 27 (SALONE TIMES) – The Protector of the Public Purse, Auditor General in the Recent Audit Report has revealed how revenues meant for the development of Sierra Leone cannot be traced.

This, according to the Audit Report has seen over Le15.9 Billion unaccounted for at the National Mineral Agency (NMA) that collects revenues from the mining sector

“We however noted that, the National Minerals Agency (NMA) failed to pay some component of their revenue, totaling Le15.9 billion into the consolidated funds during 2020,” the report stated

That Section 32(1) of the Public Financial Management Regulations of 2018 states: ‘All revenue and expenditure of donor funds, where appropriate, special funds, sub-vented agencies and extra-budgetary agencies shall be deposited into and paid from the Treasury Main Account or commercial bank accounts included in the Treasury Single Account.’.

 That in contravention of Section 45 of the Public Financial Management Regulations of 2018, the 15.9 Billion revenues were not collected by the National Revenue Authority (NRA) as it was not disclosed in the NRA cash analysis regarding NMA.

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