The officers at the New England police station were also overwhelmed for their Annual party and Awards Night


By Marilyn King 

The New England Ville Police Station on Friday 10th February 2023 organized their annual party and awards night, at the Ministry of Works Compound, in Freetown. 

Speaking at the Awards Night, the Officer Commanding, (O.C) Superintendent Monica Emelda Johnson, said the event was an opportunity for all of them to express their appreciation for the exemplary work done by her officers.

She continued that there is not more an important institution in our country like the Sierra Leone Police (SLP). She furthered that the law is the foundation of our Society, and they at SLP are the caretakers of the law charged to maintain law and order. She stated that they sometimes take for granted the responsibility that goes with putting on the uniform. “We cannot forget the strains and demands that are the daily obligation of every police officers,” she said. She cited examples of being called out in the middle of the night to witness families torn apart by violence, discord and disorderly behaviour, knocking on the doors of a family home to tell parents their sons or daughters have died in car accidents. She continued that police officers rarely know what each working day will bring and this is why they always apply preparedness, risk reduction, crime prevention, community relations and professional standards in all that they do. She continued that they investigate, counsel, and console. She furthered that all what they see and all that they experience, they go home to their families and contribute more to their society as partners, parents, friends, and community members. She said their duty to service requires commitment and demands excellence. 

“ Our officers have demonstrated professionalism under the most difficult circumstances, demonstrated humanity towards people who some might say deserved none, and shown dedication to duty as the clock ticked long past the end of their scheduled workdays and of their family members who waited patiently at home. Therefore I am pleased to recognize you as best of the best, those who have stood and said “ I can give more”, or “I will walk in harm’s way”. She went on to salute those she described as their finest officers whom she said constitute the best they had to offer. She noted that the awardees were really the tip of the iceberg, and choosing them amongst others was incredibly difficult in reviewing before the final recommendations.

She ended up in saying that it was a privilege to serve with her colleagues at the station and pledged to do all she could to support their work in advancing the cause of protecting lives and properties. 

The officers at the New England police station were also overwhelmed for their Annual party and Awards Night. Distribution of the Awards to the Awardees Climaxed the occasion.

By 232News

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