President of the Nigeria Cricket Federation, Uyi Akpata,

By Bockarie Allieu

FREETOWN, Oct. 28 (SALONE TIMES) – President of the Nigeria Cricket Federation (NCF), Uyi Akpata, has committed himself to help in the construction of a cricket pitch in Sierra Leone.

The President made this promise in a meeting he had with the Chief Executive Officer of the Sierra Leone Cricket Association (SLCA), Philip Amara, and Technical Director Gabriel Anthony on Tuesday shortly after the Men’s Patriots had delivered a win against the Yellow-Greens in the opener of the Bilateral Series.

After Tuesday’s winning, the CEO and the Technical Director of SLCA were made to have an encounter with President Akpata who welcomed the Sierra Leone delegation and expressed his surprise at the country’s victory, a nation which remains rank-less in global cricket standing.

Nigerian ex-cricketer Mike Omogui introduced the CEO and the Technical Director of SLCA to President Akpata. With familiarity already established, the President found the moment as an opportune time to speak with the SLCA representatives on matters of cricket development.

He talked about his intention to develop cricket in West Africa to help the sub-region compete with the East, North and South African cricket nations.

To achieve this dream, President Akpata said the first step is to roll out projects that will see the development of playing facilities.

When he inquired about the type of intervention to make to help Sierra Leone, the SLCA representatives told him that they have been given a huge portion of land at a place called Sussex. Learning about this dedicated land, President Akpata was excited and went on to disclose how he led the effort to construct international cricket pitches at Unliag and the Tafawa Balewa Square, using local grounds men, spending a little less than thirty thousand dollars as opposed to the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars he could have spent had he hired a foreign service.

The CEO and the Technical Director of SLCA thanked President Akpata for the donation of rubber bats, stumps and balls he made to the Sierra Leone female senior side that competed in the Botswana tournament through Mike Omogui.

When it comes to development, President Akpata said administrators should have the gut to take risks and do something.

He therefore invited grounds man Yemi Amusa who led the construction of the Unilag and TBS cricket ovals to join the meeting.

Mike confirmed that he can construct a cricket pitch within three months during the rains. Sierra Leone was banned by ICC from hosting all international competitions until they construct a standard playing oval. In this case, the help from the President of the Nigeria Cricket Federation will return Sierra Leone to host other nations.

The President though advised the Sierra Leone team to work on a project as he is ready to assist financially and will come over to Sierra Leone along with seven grounds men to foster the essence of the project. The CEO and the Technical Director of SLCA welcomed the idea and promised to work hand in glove with the President on matters of cricket development. The CEO informed him that the Chairman of

SLCA, Francis Trevor Samura, will hold further discussion with him on other developmental issues when he arrives in Nigeria.

At the end of the Series, President Akpata has also promised to take the Sierra Leone delegation to a landmark for a day out.

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