President Julius Maada Bio

FREETOWN, Jan. 27 ( – Dear His Excellency, My President,


Sierra Leone, a great paradox of wealth and blessings! That could have led you Sir, Mr President to opt for the power to control and turn things around and make this nation real – real as its potentials and natural endowments.

Sir, you are not the only one that felt that way, or that is feeling that way, even the children, women, men, the young, old etc would still not understand why we are still struggling for the basic needs such as water, food, housing, etc. Everyone in Sierra Leone including the strangers, passers-by etc is burning with indignation and wishing to be in control, so that they can turn things around for the better. But I wonder how many of us really know the challenge in that seat of power that deters men to act as they initially thought or felt or proclaim about turning this country around for the better. Or probably not deterring them to act, but what is blocking the result of their positive actions on the ordinary lives of the people.

I have never occupied the seat of the presidency, so I cannot truly tell. But one thing I can tell is that, the presidency has the highest power in the land to influence and change and control things. So that makes me more confused…why after fighting so much and so long to attain the seat of power to fight against the nation’s greatest enemy ‘corruption and indiscipline’ (one of your key words during campaign), yet after all the efforts to convict previous regime, corruption continues to deter the progressive actions you are taking to change this country. The last Auditor General’s Report (released in December, 2020) raises doubts and ethical questions of how your regime/your administration/ your team manages the country’s resources (including public/Covid-19 funds… not your money, but the people’s money).

I tell you sir, His Excellence, in case you don’t know, that you can’t attain any higher seat than that which you now occupy to influence this country and change it for the better than it is now. So don’t waste this chance Mr President, make the best out of it, so your children, our children will forever be grateful to you for setting the true foundation for development, progress and righteousness in this nation.

I call it a foundation, because regardless of what an individual or nation possesses/capable of, without discipline and integrity, it will all go down the drain. That is what you and I are facing in this country – fertile soil, good weather, sea and fresh water, natural harbor, beautiful beaches, and many more including mineral resources. But yet, our soil for over 60 years since independence cannot produce enough food for ourselves. H.E. you know this better than I, because you contested for the presidency for such a reason.

I don’t need to mention the things that are going wrong and the solutions to them, because we are not ignorant of them at all.

But my point is: I have seen that you have the greatest power on the land and your decision is hard to contend with humanly. That’s why I want you to use that power and authority God has given you through the people to fall heavily on the greatest enemy of the land which is making your good intention for this land not being materialized. I am sure if you do, even your smallest of developmental actions will be greatly magnified and transcend into a nationwide impact.

Before, I never knew the president has a great power and it is tough for anyone to cross his order until when The President announced a 3 days “sit at home” during Ebola and to my greatest surprise it materialized even when most people speculated that it was impossible.

Majority of the people cried against the Toll Gate, but come on… when the President says yes… Who can say no?

Most of all, the President ordered that the most respected place of all Sierra Leoneans so to speak “places of worship” be closed, and it was closed without anyone reversing that order. Wow… What a power! If this kind of power be exercised over the menace of our society, corruption (corrupt individuals, institutions and syndicates) … come on sir… I wonder which place corruption will have in our society. Corruption itself will know that there is a higher authority/power in this nation than it – that’s the presidency. If it strives over the councilors, parliamentarians, tax collectors, business men and women, civil servants, NGOs, investors etc, but the full stop is at the Presidency. The president needs to put the cotton down on corruption. Ban it and never listen to anyone that may plead its course. We are tired of it and the people’s power vested in the presidency is greater than corruption and corruption cannot withstand it at all. So His Excellence please leverage that power over the nation’s greatest enemy corruption.

One benefit this will have is that your hard work, good will and action will be able to reach the ordinary people of this country who entrusted you with power. I am sure you can’t afford to see them suffering, struggling and regretting to have you as their leader at the end of the day.

This is the chance for you to clear the doubt of the people that corruption can be submerged, and answer the big question: Corruption and the Seat of Power (Presidency) which is more powerful?

It has also been thought or said by some people that no one can win the fight against corruption in this country. What do you say sir, His Excellency, Commander-in-chief of the Republic of Sierra Leone, a man with a military (discipline) background? Will your tenure of office come to an end with the record of having won or lost the battle against corruption? Will you concede defeat (Commander-in-chief of the arm forces of Sierra Leone) in the hands of corruption?

Time will soon reveal your answers to these questions, His Excellence. Whether your answers are positive or negative we shall know. If you don’t believe that, please ask those who have been there before you. The bible says: “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Luke 12:2 NIV.

Corruption and the Presidency which is more powerful?

God bless you sir and thank you very much in advance for answering this question by exercising your authority to the fullest against selfish and corrupt individuals, groups and systems that are destroying this country in the name of personal comfort and wealth acquisition. Thank you for showing more resilience than the enemy, corruption and attack it with grave casualty using all your military and leadership skills and the power which the people have vested in you to thrash corruption never to rise again. Even when it is coming from your own camp, tell them that you can’t let the enemy from within either.

“Paopa Salone for betteh!”

With much love,

“Dis na you Salone broda”

George Moore

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